[H] Experiencd Priest(holy/shadow)+DK friend

85 Blood Elf Priest
Hello there,

Me and a friend are currently looking for a raiding guild for cataclysm. We have just come to this server from sargeras as the queues were redonkulous.

We have played since classic, on and off as the expansions went through their ups and downs, but we always return to finish content, and classic and BC we never left.

I am done with school, and so is he, so we have alot of time on our hands again, and we're looking to experience the challenge of clearing content as it is released, as this is where the true fun of the game is, in my opinion.

I am also looking for arena partners and Rated BGs, but I'd like a guild that's focus is raiding, as that is my focus.

If you know of a home for me, please let me know. I will appreciate it.

(Yes, I know my gear is lackluster as far as gems and enchants go, but I've just started improving it, and will be starting heroics soon here.
Edited by Buttertoots on 12/13/2010 4:24 PM PST
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100 Undead Rogue
Are you happy with your new guild?
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