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100 Night Elf Druid
Due to the beating Moon Guard has been getting with the launch, been thinking of transferring to a new RP realm. How's the population and RP doing in SoE?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well we have a que too so just an fyi right up front.

Regardless, SoE was nearly dead until our merger with Cenarion Circle which breathed a lot of life into us. However we are still a fraction of the size of Moon Guard and Wyrmwrest Accord so don't expect nearly the same level of activity.

That said the RP community here, for both factions, is alive and well. We are also friendly but close knit which can either a blessing or a curse for a new transfer.

Honestly I would not recommend paying for a transfer solely because of the rough WoD launch. However if are seriously considering it then it would be best to make an alt on the server and join either the AllianceOOC or HordeOOC chat channels. That will allow you to talk with other RPers and get a feel for our community.

Hope this helps.
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100 Worgen Priest
11/14/2014 06:15 PMPosted by Kastion
Due to the beating Moon Guard has been getting with the launch, been thinking of transferring to a new RP realm. How's the population and RP doing in SoE?

The issue is temporary and has nothing to do with your server size. Transferring here, where there is also a queue, isn't going to solve anything. Give Blizzard a little more time to get their issues straightened out; believe me, they don't want to see the queue times and lag, either.

And I'd highly recommend making a lowbie character to hang out in Stormwind. Compare SoE's mage and cathedral districts to MG's, because I guarantee you they are worlds apart. SoE used to be my home but as you can see I transferred (a long time ago), but I still play here - and honestly it's pretty desolate, even after the realm merger.
Edited by Vandrysse on 11/15/2014 3:28 AM PST
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I made the change on my Main Hunter, who is not showing up in my character list right now probably because of the xfer, which is no issue, I understand, but is working fine. To be honest, I wanted to change anyways for a different realm of RP rather than what MG seems to be, so yesterday seemed like the best time to do so.
I still have yet to get into RPing on SoE because I want to quest and get into the story line. But besides that, the General Chat is a little less juvenile, as well as they players themselves, than those of MG. It seems to be more a Mature, age wise not rep, population. I am enjoying it so far when I get in after the Queue. Look forward to RPing with the locals tho :D
But like Vandrysse said, there will be a Queue, so transferring for that reason alone would be a bit of a waste of money. Just wait till the people who are bound to step off of WoW again do so. Or until Blizz decides to upgrade the servers and fix some issues with the launch and see where it takes you. Just give them some patience and maybe you can save your money.
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