Greetings from Thunderlord!

100 Gnome Warrior
Hello there Sisters of Elune!

Our guild is looking at a server transfer off of our current server Thunderlord. We've been surveying potential new homes, and this server is on our shortlist!

So I just wanted to stop by and say hello.

<Mew Mew Pew Pew> is a friendly guild that is pretty laid back that loves to raid. Our small dedicated raiding team is pretty tight knit these days, with many of us having raided together since back in the early days of Wrath, with some of our players having played since WoW's original release back in 2004!

We're a pretty casual guild overall, and our members are of varying skill levels and interests, but united in our love of the game and our characters.

While our primary focus historically has been raiding, it has never been a requirement for guild membership. Our only real "rule" is don't be a (*&#@%(&*. Oh, and 18+ (gchat is rated R, adult themes).

This expansion, I'm hoping to get a pvp presence within the guild as well for arenas and rated battlegrounds, and we'll need someone to lead that charge (we may or may not have someone to fulfill that role as there are a couple of people within our guild undecided on the transfer, if they come, they will be our pvp officers, if not, we'll need to find someone).

We are a fairly successful group of raiders. We generally do a pretty good job of clearing raid tiers, though we haven't touched hard modes (now mythic) since Cata. We went 14/14 Heroic (Old Normal, NOT Mythic) in Siege, getting our spiffy Ahead of the Curve achievement and mount back in April. Obviously not as fast as many guilds, but we really felt like we earned it, and we were very proud when we felled Hellscream.

We raid 2 nights a week. Our raid schedule has historically been Thursday/Sunday evenings, from 7PM Central to about 9:30PM or so (Basically 2 hours each night with some fudge room as we take a short break after the first hour, and we sometimes run over by an attempt for 3 when working on a new boss).

Our core membership is active at varying times, and we have some serious night owls (oddly sometimes you can find more of us online at 3AM than you can at 9PM).

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and introduce ourselves. We're looking at transferring some time around the first week of December and hit the ground running. We may need to do some recruiting to fill a couple of spots depending on exactly who transfers, but most of us are coming in and bringing a lot of alts.
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100 Gnome Priest

I can say a lot of us would be happy to have another active, friendly guild join our community; I hope you decide on SoE!

I'm primarily a roleplayer with a side of raiding, though I'm looking to get back into some light PvP this expansion. I'm sure Mormel will eventually post something; she's one of our more forum-visible PvPers. She primarily plays Horde, but up until the expansion dropped, she'd been organizing an Alliance PvP group one night a week as well. She'd probably be able to give you a better idea of who's part of the PvP scene here.

I suggest checking out Cenarion Circle's forum as well, if you haven't done so. We're connected with SoE, and our forum tends to be more active. You'll get the attention of a few more potential recruits or people who know more than I do :)

Hope to see your moving trucks soon! I'll bring some casserole.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Heya and welcome!

Derscha is right in that pre-WoD I had been hosting weekly PVP Nights on Alli side and I know a few (but not all) of the more active PVPers on SoE/CC. Granted the weekly event I ran was very casual in nature and typically focused only on max level random BGs for fun... or pain depending on the night ;P

Now I'm not positive I'll continue hosting PVP Nights Alli side since a few people Horde side have approached me about doing organized PVP. However at the very least I can give you the roster I'd accumulated from MoP so you have an immediate recruiting pool to try tapping if you so choose.

Also if it turns out I'll continue focusing on organized PVP Alli side then I'll be glad to assist in hosting events and leading teams.
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100 Gnome Warrior
11/23/2014 10:12 AMPosted by Derscha

I suggest checking out Cenarion Circle's forum as well, if you haven't done so. We're connected with SoE, and our forum tends to be more active. You'll get the attention of a few more potential recruits or people who know more than I do :)

Hope to see your moving trucks soon! I'll bring some casserole.

I did check out the forums over there but didn't make a post. I have corrected that oversight. Thanks for the tips!

We're hoping to move soon, just have to work out a few things logistically. Casserole sounds yummy!
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100 Gnome Warrior
11/23/2014 01:13 PMPosted by Mormel
Heya and welcome!

Derscha is right in that pre-WoD I had been hosting weekly PVP Nights on Alli side and I know a few (but not all) of the more active PVPers on SoE/CC. Granted the weekly event I ran was very casual in nature and typically focused only on max level random BGs for fun... or pain depending on the night ;P

Now I'm not positive I'll continue hosting PVP Nights Alli side since a few people Horde side have approached me about doing organized PVP. However at the very least I can give you the roster I'd accumulated from MoP so you have an immediate recruiting pool to try tapping if you so choose.

Also if it turns out I'll continue focusing on organized PVP Alli side then I'll be glad to assist in hosting events and leading teams.

Sounds awesome! Seems like there's a fairly active community around here, which is one the reasons this server (well, servers I suppose... actually how DOES one refer to connected realms?) appealed to us.
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100 Goblin Warlock
I made a thread a few months back proposing we come up with a new name for our connected servers to simplify things. While I was partial to my suggestion of "Zombie Dragon Apocalypse" most folks seemed to like "Sisters of Cenarius".... or something along those lines.

Regardless most of us just continue to use CC or SoE with the implicit understanding that they are interchangeable now.
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100 Gnome Warrior
The moving trucks are here! Our guild vault is currently being packed up and loaded up.

MMPP will be arriving Soon!™
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100 Goblin Warlock
Look forward to seeing you! :3
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100 Gnome Warrior
And we're here! Armory has finally sorted itself out, and most that are coming have transferred. There are still some stragglers left to go, and unfortunately a few people didn't want to leave our previous server, but MMPP has arrived!

Oh, I should also mention, we're recruiting! Looking to fill our ranks and start getting some stuff rolling after the new year.

If you want a guild that likes to have fun, with helpful people that's pretty laid back, AND you're over 18, hit us up!

For those interested in raiding, we're looking to start hitting that sometime the first or second week of January (Guild move combined with holidays have slowed us down a bit).

Raiding NOT required to join the guild.

We have 2 rules.

Be 18+ (Our gchat can sometimes contains mature subject matter)
Don't be a (&*#^%$
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome to the community!
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