Server Secret Santa (RP: A/H)

100 Gnome Priest
Hiya, Sisters of Elune folks!

Hopefully Blizzard will figure out the connected-realm-forum-thing soon, but for the moment, I'm posting over here to let you know about the AAMS' Secret Santa.

For the past few years, the AAMS has hosted a server Secret Santa that we dub the 'All Anonymous Merchandise Swap.' You sign up, we'll assign names, collect gifts, and then deliver as many presents as we can while in character!

Thanks to the server connection, we can include our friends from Sisters of Elune this year.

The full post and sign-up thread can be found here:

I would love to see some new people on our list this year!

Derscha Kettlebomb, CEO
Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service
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100 Goblin Warlock
I posted a reply in the Cenarion Circle thread and I fully encourage members of SoE to participate in this event. ;-)
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