Fraps Request

85 Dwarf Warrior
Problem: My problem was that I was in a near hour long queue for heroics, was at 45ish minutes, showed another 10-15 minutes estimated, and as soon as I turned in this quest and the cinematic started, I had to bail on it to not have to wait another 45 minutes. And now I have no idea what happened in the cinematic, and I can't find it anywhere.

Request :I was curious if someone who is leveling their main, or an alt right now..when you get to Twilight Highlands and are near the end of the chain of quests, there is a quest you turn in called "Enter the Dragon Queen". Upon completing this quest, a cinematic begins. I have no way to view this cinematic without leveling another alt of mine, but I am trying to do heroics to be prepared for raids, and leveling another character to 85 would be a big chunk of time.

So if someone who knows how to record video, and is near that part of the area, can you record the little cinematic that happens and post it on here so I am able to see it? I am a completionist, and I just cannot move on and accept the next quest without knowing what I missed. :(

If you don't know when the quest is coming, you will get a quest to escort a group to Grim Batol. Then you get Enter the Dragon Queen, fly to a circle, and when you turn it in, there is the cinematic.
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51 Worgen Druid
I done a bit of digging and have found a lot of people complaining the cinematic is bugged. I'll keep looking until someone posts a link to it. =)
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100 Night Elf Priest
I'll keep an eye out for it, Paranitis. I'm a long way from that far into the leveling, though.
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86 Human Paladin
Faps request?
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90 Undead Warlock
As in using the program FRAPS to record what's going on.
Like this:

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100 Night Elf Priest
Or this?
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