AAMS Alliance Branch

OOC: I am looking to talk to someone about getting involved with the AAMS Alliance Branch.

Pre-cata I used the AAMS as often as I could for deliveries, horde side. Now that I am playing alliance side I wanted to employ the AAMS Alliance Branch for a few jobs. Turns out that you're never on when I am (6:30pm - 11:00pm server) and primarily staffed by alts of the Horde side AAMS. As such, I would like to discuss the possibility of either helping to make the AAMS Alliance Branch more active on the alliance side(since I this will be my new main) or possibly taking over operations alliance side all together (while still keeping true to the AAMS philosophy and values).

Obviously there is much to discuss so I just need to know who to discuss it with! If it turns out the AAMS Alliance Branch is indeed active I hope that I have not ruffled any feathers or stepped on any toes; I just never see anyone online and see this as an opportunity to help promote RP on both sides of the line.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
If I remember correctly the guild leader of the alliance branch is MIA, however I'll make sure to point Engrid to this post.
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Thanks! I've been using Engrid to make some deliveries for me Horde side between leveling my new alliance character. Everyone I talk to horde said pretty much says the guild is only used for AAMS Alts in case they get a cross faction delivery that needs to be made. Looking at who is in the guild and their recent activity, it doesn't look like they log in very often.

I thought that it might be worthwhile getting involved so that the AAMS would have at least one person on almost every night (most likely two or three as we are leveling together). It will certainly help progress the RP alliance side, which will most likely have an indirect, and hopefully positive, impact on RP horde side.

Ironically, the guild leader looks to have actually logged in for a few moments shortly after my original post, though I missed her while she was online.

If the AAMS members horde side would like to see the AAMS Alliance side become more active, it might be a win/win situation.

That, or I start my own RP based delivery service guild and run them out of business..... <wink><wink>
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