Looking for a Casual Guild - Alliance

100 Dwarf Hunter
I’m a returning, but inexperienced, player and I’m looking for a casual alliance guild to join. I enjoy questing, crafting, dungeons and exploring the lands. I have never done a battleground or raid, but I am willing to try them. I am looking for a guild that shares my interests, have some fun with and possibly do some dungeons (and such) at something under the standard warp 5.

Currently, I do not have the Warlords expansion but I am hoping to get it for Christmas.

I do have a few characters here on Sisters
Lvl 63 Fire/Frost Mage
Lvl 57 Surv/Mark Hunter
Lvl 56 Arms/Prot Warrior
Lvl 46 Destro/Demon Warlock
Lvl 42 !@#/Sub Rogue
Lvl 38 Ret/Prot Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
Rusty Blades is a great group of people. Been around since BC. Have members who enjoy all facets of the game. Have dedicated Raid team (1 so far) for all your highmaul Needs. We have plenty of people leveling ALTS who would be at or around your level as well.
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81 Pandaren Shaman
feel free to whisper any member of quest knights for a guild invite .Quest knights is a very casual but active guild on SOe ,we have raiders, dungeon runners ,roleplayers ,questers and all around friendly folks ,good luck !
Edited by Fusong on 12/25/2014 8:17 AM PST
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