Looking for Pvp guild

85 Troll Shaman
For rated BGs and maybe arena.

I play an enhance shaman preferably, but I also have
(Willing to level a druid too, but that'll take a bit longer)
Send me a mail in game, or whisper me, or reply to my post here! Thanks
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85 Undead Priest
Hi Tshaka, this name looks familiar to me.
Maybe from Burning Crusade?

I don't think there are PvP guilds really, but I will add you on my friend list.

This being said, I am seriously back woohoo and I plan to be involved on the PvP scene as much as Burning Crusade!

I might even Call To Arm my old PvP friends and rebirth Dark Triads for some nasty rated BGs!

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You have my sword.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Count me in for Rated BGs. You have my Axe.... erm wait no you have my.... Ah hell how about I just cast spells and drain life
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85 Troll Shaman
Great, thank you everybody for your responses. I'll hopefully be able to level as soon as possible and gear up. I'll add you all to my friends list.

Hopefully a nice PvP guild will surface similar to Dark Triads haha
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aww no more Lotr quotes =(
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85 Troll Shaman
aww no more Lotr quotes =(

One does not simply walk into Warsong!

...I tried
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm game for rated bg
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85 Troll Hunter
hi lo all im verry intrested in rated bg's im a survival hunter 2200 res been playing and pvp since vinilla wow, pvp is a majority of my play time and would reall luv beeing a part of a rated team, im in game most every day and for most pf the day pst and have a great day
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100 Tauren Druid
I'm interested in getting an interguild PVP group going...most guilds don't have enough interested/geared pvp'ers to fill a proper bg, but many seem to have at least a few looking to hit up the rated battlegrounds.
I know Soulyra had a chan going...but not sure if I missed any events...

I'd like to get 15-20 geared pvp'ers (even if its crafted if you're just a fresh 85, but have pvp experience) running most nights at whatever times work that fill a full 10. Would be nice to build a base so that those who also raid can do so, and yet those hopping on for some quick pvp action know how to connect with the proper players.

PST me in game if interested.
Soulyra, i'll contact ya when I see you online next to see if we can't pool what you had going.

Edited by Grazlo on 3/16/2011 1:18 PM PDT
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