Vial of the Sands (Yes, you can has!)

85 Pandaren Priest
Good afternoon. Just wanted to let the Horde population know that I can in fact make the Vial of the Sands Alchemy Mount. While spending hours and hours working towards Tyrande's Favorite Doll I happened to pick up the recipe a little bit back. What does that mean for you? Why for a small fee and the cost of materials (which I won't lie, are very expensive) you too can fly around Azeroth in style!

Materials for those interested include:

1 - Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial
8 -Sands of Time
12 - Truegold
8 - Flask of the Winds
8 - Flask of Titanic Strength
8 - Deepstone Oil

The Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial and Sands of Time are sold from the NPC Inn-keeper Yasim. The Vial costs 5,000 gold, the Sands of Time are 3,000 gold each. Thus your total cost from vendor materials is 29,000 gold.

If anyone has any interest in getting this mount crafted please contact me in game either via a tell or send me a letter.

Happy hunting all.
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90 Undead Warlock
The goblin racials give a 20% discount on the vendor mats (the sands of time and the pyrium laced crystal vial), so remember that and roll a lowbie goblin to pick them up for you. ^_^
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85 Pandaren Priest
This is very true. As a Goblin your costs become 2400 per Sand and 4000 for the Vial.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Congrats on picking that up! I'm not an alchemist but I've found 4 Canopic Jars in my search for the bug mount, almost have the Professor title though (18/20) I've seen ya' a lot on the digsites and I hope you get your trinket. I know your pain in the hours spent digging for your goals. Go go fossil digsites >.< Again, grats on the vial recipe!
Edited by Aelune on 12/19/2010 8:54 PM PST
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85 Pandaren Priest
Thank you very much. Ironically not long after getting the recipe...well not long in terms of this profession, the trinket did finally pop. 'Twas my 95th Night Elf artifact. I do not envy others that decide to undertake that grind. Near the end I was about ready to give up but as with anything, persistence pays off.
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85 Pandaren Priest
And a quick bump so people don't miss it (at least for those that are looking for it). Got to make my first three Vials today, congrats to those that took the time to collect the mats and I hope you three enjoy your new toy!
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Wait. So goblins are essentially a 20% discount on any item bought by a Horde who has a goblin? o.O

EDIT: Ok, having read up on the racial I see that Goblins get the same discount as someone who is exalted with the vendor. I can live with that.

Apparently, Roxi (mechano hog parts seller) won't even sell you parts if you're not exalted with her faction. Any idea if the Vial of the Sands vendor is the same?
Edited by Faderaven on 1/8/2011 9:24 AM PST
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90 Undead Warlock
She has no faction, just like Roxy (despite needing exalted with -a- faction, Roxy herself has none).

Goblins get a 20% discount for everything.

It's pretty fair considering Worgen get top hats at level 5.

EDIT: Also I can make this item now, too.
Edited by Malakoji on 1/9/2011 6:25 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
01/08/2011 8:55 AMPosted by Faderaven
Apparently, Roxi (mechano hog parts seller) won't even sell you parts if you're not exalted with her faction. Any idea if the Vial of the Sands vendor is the same?

Actually, Roxy only sells parts to engineers that have the schematic, if I recall correctly. No faction needed, just the recipe.
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85 Worgen Druid
This is what I'm working towards too, albeit my method is a bit different. While markets are high, I'm making bank on volatiles and herb stacks, then will purchase the parts and finish off my Alchemy and have the mats present and accounted for before I hunt down that recipe.

I figure it's easier in a sense for a leveling alchemist to take their time in collecting materials, as you need a number of each flask regardless and the point I'm at, those are what gives my profession a level.

I just squirrel them all away >>;

Grats on those able to craft them and hopefully own one themselves!
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