Implication 10 man guild Recruiting!!!!!

85 Human Warrior
Implication formed at the end of WOTLK by 3 officers having been in a top 150 US guild killing heroic LK at 20%. We are looking to raid in a more laid back raiding enviroment raiding just 12 hours a week. WE seek the best of the best of CC in order to push content in that time frame. No spot in our raid is safe. If you outperform an officer you will raid and not that officer. WE do this to insure the best people come to our raids, not just our friends or who has been here the longest. Currently we are recruiting all classes and specs with emphasis on the following to fill out our current raiding roster.

Hunter - Survival preferred
Enhacement shaman
Druid - Feral tank, HEaler
Shadow Priest

Apply at Also feel free to talk to Dapal, Tazzer or Flécks in game if you have any questions.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
While I fully appreciate the dedication you seem to have toward mastering content..I think the idea of a guild on CC replacing raiders who happen to be a less skilled than other members, to be a little disturbing.

I mean I also have an 80 on Mal'Ganis, which is one of, if not the top server for raiding in the US, and I'd expect something like this over there, but CC seems a little more laid back.

I'm also sure there are people on this server who would be down for what you are asking for, but at the same time I believe there might be stronger connections for those people with friends on this server than to abandon friends to be part of some machine, which is seems this guild is about.

So again, I don't mean to insult your guild specifically, because at one point I might have joined something like this, but I just don't see it as being very close to what you'd find on CC, where it's more about the people rather than their skill level (which as a raider myself does bug the crap out of me..but I've learned to deal with it).
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85 Human Warrior
There is a differnce in my opinion in replacing people that constantly fail and don't pull their weight in a raid and replacing them with someone who may only do 100 dps more than them. If u can't get out of void zones sorry but yeah then I wanna replace you.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Well that does make sense, but what it was seeming like isn't that someone is constantly failing or trying to pull their weight. If someone keeps standing in fire, they will just drag you down. But if they don't stand in fire and happen to pull 100 dps less, I don't think they should be replaced necessarily.

It just seemed like you'd only take those with highest numbers, rather than people who specifically "fail" under any particular situation.
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85 Human Warrior
Numbers are important, if you can't get past the enrage timer bc some people dps is fail then yeah they probably need to be replaced. And granted CC sucks for raiding so this may be an exercise in futility. Maybe if I was still horde where I knew everyone it would be different.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
No, there are people on Alliance that are like this, but there tends to be one or two in every other guild, and they wouldn't drop their guilds or current raids to make a new raid.
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85 Gnome Priest
I think Warcraftier is fantastic for carrying me around like they do.

I race changed to gnome specifically so I could fit on Lerr's back with ease. Earlier, as a goat, my hooves kept digging into her lower spine and causing back pain. Now she can just bundle me up in a backpack!
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Oh, look, a new guild to troll! Oh, wait...

Kyarno's raiding checklist:
Don't stand in fire: check
Kick the stuff I'm supposed to kick: mostly check (latency)
Show up for raid during finals week: Umm, yeah, see you next week =)
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