RPer looking for a new home

57 Blood Elf Hunter
Hello SoE! I'm looking to roll a toon on the server and check out the rp scene, but I wanted to see what you natives or recently rolled/transferred think of the server? I used to play here before I met RL friends who played on MG prior to Wrath, and I just wanted to know if there was good rp to be found here for anyone, or if it is more close knit guild exclusive rp like some of the other rp servers have going on. I've played on WrA and MG and it wasn't exactly my cup of tea, the community was huge, but I still felt like it was impossible to find rp worth rping during the day, which is my usual play time.

So, is the rp here pretty inclusive, and is it found on both factions or just one or the other? I like both Horde and Alliance RP but I like the option of being able to play either or both.
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100 Gnome Warrior
I can't comment on the RP scene (haven't looked around, though there is stuff posted here and in the Cenarion Circle forums as well), but our guild just recently transferred to this server, and everyone that made the move is loving it. We came from a PvP server, and the community here is MUCH better overall.

Activity seems fair, though after around midnight or so server time it starts to really die down, and it's like a ghost town at 3 am.

All in all, very happy with our move.

Oh, and this is all just alliance side, no idea what the horde side looks like.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome Alarrion! SoE did undergo a change recently with the merger to Cenarion Circle. As of right now there is a little bit more RP activity Alliance side but the Horde is plenty active as well. However, for both factions, you need to know where to look for the RP.

Mostly the RP is done at weekly or special events that are cross guild in nature. For the Horde I recommend checking out the AAMS Lounge. It is held every Saturday at 7pm server time in Hardwrench Hideaway.

Another good resource for discovering the RP community are the OOC chat channels. AllianceOOC and HordeOOC are the titles of the channels for each faction respectively.

Hope this helps!
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