(H) Seeking Crafter: Vial of the Sands

85 Blood Elf Priest
The header says it all, I'm after a 525 Alchemist who has the Vial of the Sands pattern and can make the mount for me on Horde.

I'm willing to pay up to 3,000g for just the crafting of this mount, I already have all the mats in my bags waiting for the moment someone has the pattern and is willing and able to do it.

Please drop me some in-game mail or a whisper if you can do this for me.

Exert from: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/1232869

The Alchemy mount Vial of the Sands is no longer Bind-on-Pickup.

It is no longer a BoP Item, as is clearly stated in the patch notes there.

Thank you, Alisitcia. :)
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100 Troll Shaman
I've been farming my tail off for it. 2 Canopic jars so far with no prize :(
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85 Blood Elf Priest
:3 I wish every alchemist / archy trying the best of luck. I know how rare it is...
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85 Night Elf Priest
I can make this item. However I am on Alliance side.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Working on it like Cele, also at 2 jars with no luck. Hopefully one of us will get it soonish! :)
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Hey guys, Thanks for all the interest. I had Delusions craft the mount for me today....

It's amaaazzing! Delusions, thank you soooo much you were so wonderful about it all!
If anyone on alliance wants this mount, or like me want it before people on horde get lucky.. She is an amazing lady, I would happily recommend her!
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