|H| Looking For 10Man Raid.

85 Undead Mage
As the title says, im looking for a 10 Man raid, my main is a Undead Mage.

im hit capped, and have most of all the upgrades i can get out of heroics.

im free to raid from Sunday at 8am EST to Thursday 9pm EST, i work 3rd shift from Thursday to Saturday 9pm to 7am EST

i was top 5 to top 1 DPS in WoTLK in my guilds Heroic 25man.

If you have any questions or want me in your 10man, send me a mail, Whisper me in game or post here.

Main: Unkownlight
Alts: Freaknik | Blood Elf Pally healer Tank
Alts: Unkowndevil | Undead Priest healer dps
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
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