CC Tier 11 Cataclysm Raid progression

85 Worgen Death Knight
Guild/group | BWD | BoT | To4W|
Warcraftier 25 {A} |2/6[Heroic](Malo)|1/5[Heroic]| 2/2 | 15
Eternal Sorrow 25 {H} | 6/6 |1/5[Heroic]| 2/2 | 13
After Dark 10 {H} | 6/6 | 4/4 | 2/2 | 12
Ævolution 10 {A} | 5/6 (Chim) | 4/4 | 2/2 | 11
Unknown Entity 10 {A} | 5/6 (Malo) | 4/4 | 2/2 | 11
Infusion 25 {H} | 6/6 | 4/4 | 1/2 | 11
Warcraftier 10 {A} | 6/6 | 3/4 (Chog)| 1/2 (Al) 10
Reprise 25 {A} | 5/6 (Atra) | 4/4 | 1/2 | 10
Outlandish Fortune 25{A}| 5/6 | 4/4 | 1/2 | 10
Sacrosanct 10 {A} | 5/6 | 4/4 | 1/2 | 10
Famous 10 {A} | 5/6 | 4/4 | 1/2 | 10
Eternal Destiny ?? {A} | 5/6 | 5/4 | 1/2 | 9
Hellions 10{H} | 4/6 (Atra) | 4/4 | 1/2 | 9
Sanctuary Garden 10{A} | 4/6 (Atra) | 2/4 (Vali)| 1/2 | 9
Famous 10 {A} | 5/6 | 3/4 | 1/2 | 9
Unknown Entity 25 {A} | 5/6 (Atra) | 3/4 (Half)| 1/2 | 9
Biscuit of Dewm 10 {A} | 4/6 (Malo) | 3/4 | 1/2 | 8
Nephilim 10 {H} | 5/6 | 2/4 | 1/2 | 8
Fruit of Elune 10 {A} | 4/6 (Atra) | 2/4 (Half)| 1/2 | 7
Golden Aegis 10 {A} | 4/6 (Chim) | 2/4 | 1/2 | 7
Disturbed Ones 10 {A} | 3/6 (Malo) | 3/4 | 1/2 | 6
Oot Ebon Shield 10 {H} | 4/6 (Chim) | 1/4 (Half)| 1/2 | 6
Regicide 10 {A} | 3/6 (Malo) | 2/4 | 1/2 | 6
Playing Dirty 25 {H} | 3/6 (Maloi) | 2/4 | 1/2 | 6
Chaotic Intent 25 {A} | 3/6 (Malo) | 2/4 | 0/2 | 5
Wilderness Stalkers10{H}| 3/6 (Malo) | 2/4 | 0/2 | 5
Mouthful of Justice10{A}| 2/6 (Omni) | 2/4 (Vali)| 0/2 | 4
Biscuit of Dewm 10 {A} | 2/6 | 2/4 | 0/2 | 4
Epic Coalition 10 {A} | 3/6 (Malo) | 1/4 | 0/2 | 4
Dreadsong 10 {H} | 2/6 (Omni) | 1/4 (Half)| 1/2 | 4
Edited by Oroborous on 3/3/2011 6:34 PM PST
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90 Tauren Warrior
I think you mean "denoted", not "denounced". That is unless you actually do mean each mark as a condemnation of some sort :P

While I'm here, ES has Halfus, Magmaw, and Omnitron down on 10 thus far.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Edited by Amaelalin on 1/4/2011 10:01 AM PST
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Yes you're right naura this is what I get for waking up, writing this and then going back to sleep.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Sacrosanct has Omnitrion and Halfus Wyrmbreaker down 10 man.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Your listing for ES is wrong, because Halfus is actually from Bastion of Twilight.

Repris also has 10man Halfus, ODS, and Magmaw down.
Edited by Llaendrew on 12/22/2010 3:38 PM PST
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85 Worgen Death Knight
My apologies on that, tried to rush an update before I went out the door today so ya...
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85 Troll Mage
Please add After Dark [H] 10 man to the list with Conclave (1/2) and Magmaw and Defense System (2/6) down between last week and this week.
Edited by Arantes on 12/22/2010 11:17 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Infusion tried Bastion of Twilight on 10 this evening. We we able to down Halfus Wyrmbreaker and Valiona and Theralion.

After the Holidays however, Infusion will be 25 only. So I suppose once we start posting those we shouldn't be tracked as 10. :)
Edited by Kaelysta on 12/22/2010 11:21 PM PST
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Edit: Read that wrong.

Lerri can you clarify in a previous post you said you did Magmaw 10 and 25 but now you are claiming you did not and with the merger of it I can't armory to see which you got credit for. For now I will deduct credit for it but please correct me for which of the two posts is right your first post or your 2nd where you say you didn't down him.
Edited by Oroborous on 12/22/2010 11:51 PM PST
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Eternal Sorrow got Valiona and Theralion 10m 12/22. It was... Fabulous.
Edited by Orbould on 12/22/2010 11:56 PM PST
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Just a note I think mid January I will be removing all groups that were just 10 mans until their guild hit 25s to avoid clutter in this thread so please note if you are going to do that.
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85 Goblin Shaman
12/23/2010 12:36 AMPosted by Oroborous
Just a note I think mid January I will be removing all groups that were just 10 mans until their guild hit 25s to avoid clutter in this thread so please note if you are going to do that.

Personally, I believe that shouldn't be the case, or at least make a separate thread for 10 man Progression. As it's now more of a choice than a requirement for better gear and such. This is just my opinion, but I could easily make a 10-Man CC Progression thread if you would like me to.

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85 Draenei Paladin
Um, not sure if you want me editing my old post or creating a new one so just please inform me of which you'd prefer.

Sacrosanct now has Magmaw down.
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85 Worgen Death Knight
New posts please and Nako you misunderstand. What I meant by that was well lets take Sacrosanct for example, they said after the holidays they would be doing just 25 mans. Any group/guild can run multiple runs but they are primarily swapping to 25 and will be discontinuing 10s meaning no more progress for them anymore. At the same time it could be like what I think Warcraftier is doing and running a 10 AND 25 man and will actively continue it I will continue to update their information.

Note if I used you for an example and I misinterpreted my apologies.
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85 Draenei Paladin
You misinterpreted, being such a new and relatively small guild we can't branch into 25s that soon, it's more of a future goal.
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