ODS 25 to CI.
CC Tier 11 Cataclysm Raid progression
Maloriak and Atramedes (10)
After Dark [10] - Cho'Gall - 1-24-11 - 10:47 Server time.
UE 25 downed Maloriak last night
Ascendant Council to Infusion 25
When did this become a recruitment thread? Get that crap out of here
When did this become a recruitment thread? Get that crap out of here
Unknown Entity 25 is {A} alliance, not {H} horde. We've also downed 3/6 BWD (Magmaw, Trons, Maloriak), and 2/4 BoT (Halfus, V&T).
Unknown Entity 10 {A} is 5/6 in BWD.
Unknown Entity 10 {A} is 5/6 in BWD.
Golden Aegis now 3/6 with Maloriak down.
UE 25 killed Atramedes
Edited by Brennvin on 2/2/2011 10:17 AM PST
UE 25 killed Conclave
Al'Akir (25)
Edited by Magueester on 1/31/2011 9:32 PM PST
Epic Coalition 10 {A} - BWD: We have downed Mag and Omnitron. Currently working on Meloriak.
Note the thread has now hit the character limit so it may be a while before the I get an update in as I try to figure out a way to deal with this char limit. For now though I've deleted the sample format to make room.
I don't get why you took kills away from ES's 25, but we're 5/6, 4/4, and 2/2 on 25 at the moment. Our kills are all on WoL if you want proof.
Atra only reason I did was not due to any validity but an accidental mistake on my part. Naura said I could remove 10 but when I went to you guys for some reason I had both 10 and 25 listed as 25. I thought I remembered the 25 man being behind in progress to the 10 aka the lower one, but I guess I was wrong. My apologies there.
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