<A>Holy Paladin LF Teamwork Oriented Guild

85 Human Paladin
Currently, I am in a leveling guild and am looking to join a raiding guild that is teamwork oriented. To get down to brass tax, I want to be in a guild that has players who:

-Do not act like they are best above all others
-Are in it for the team and not just for themselves
-Willing to take constructive criticism
-Willing to research their classes' full potential and learn to play it well.

I can only raid from 9pm EST to 12am EST, any day of the week. I am not interested in hardcore raiding, but mostly a guild that is consistent and determined. Would prefer a guild with members who run together evenings gearing up for heroics and one that does not spam their guild recruitment shout in trade and all other possible channels every 5 minutes all day.

If you, or you and some friends are looking to start a guild with the above characteristics, please pst me or send an in-game message.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
It's a shame you're Alliance :P I'm actually looking for another healer and your availability would perfectly fit our schedule. Unfortunately I haven't been on Alliance side in quite sometime otherwise I'd throw out recommendations. Best of luck.

If for whatever reason things don't work out, look us up.
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