Cata raid pug 25 - January 8th, 7pm ST

85 Human Warrior
Some of you know me from the good ol 25man ICC pug days. Well I will continue this trend in Cataclysm by hosting a 25 man Cataclysm pug. I am looking for solid tanks, dps and heals for this event; set tentatively for January 8th, 2011 @ 7pm ST – 10pm ST. Our focus will be the first two bosses of Bastion of Twilight.

A few things you will require:

1. Know your class well. Tanks must be able to control multiple mobs without breaking crowd control, healers must have their healing priorities understood for this expansion (no more flash heal spam boys and girls). DPS need to be able to maintain adequate dps while using interrupts and managing crowd control assignments.
2. Read up on the fights. Valiona and Halfus will be our first targets. Know the basics. You will be given assignments and an understanding of our specific strategy during the raid however watch a couple of tankspot vids never hurts.
3. We prepared to wipe. This is progression so if you decide to quit after 2 wipes, don’t expect to be reinvited.
4. Make sure you are able to stay for the entire time.

For you raid guilds out there, ask your raid and guild leaders about your restrictions before applying. With the new lockout rules, many guild leaders are more lax on what you can run (gear is gear whether in guild or not and they can run the deeper content if you’ve downed a boss).

This is a continuous pug. If you perform well, you will be invited back. There are many star players out there that are in guilds for other reasons besides raiding. Here is your opportunity to keep your guild but raid with some solid players.

Those of you from our old 25 man ICC, I will contact in the next week or so about joining us. For everyone else, contact me in game and we’ll do a couple heroics to determine your skill. I’m pretty lax when it comes to gear though having a few heroic pieces or epics under you belt never hurts. Just don’t be in all greens.

If you have any questions, please contact me in game. I will be vigourously gearing up for this event over the next week so if you’re looking for some heroic action, I’ll be around.

Until then.
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85 Draenei Death Knight
I wish you the best of luck Rende
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90 Troll Druid
Lots of good luck to you. Sounds like it'll be fun. ^^
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Tank reporting! Hopefully the 8th will give me enough time to gear up a bit more, and I will get off my job in time.
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85 Gnome Mage
12/31/2010 4:48 AMPosted by Jabazh
people couldnt even clear 6/12 in ICC on this server in sorry OP if you feel like your going to get anywhere pugging the cata content

Rende and his group did exceptionally well with the ICC content. I expect to see the same results this time around, too.

Kudos to Rende for doing this. If I were inclined to raid, I'd work on gearing myself up and joining. As it is, I wish you and your group good luck!
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85 Draenei Paladin
12/31/2010 4:48 AMPosted by Jabazh
good luck lol

people couldnt even clear 6/12 in ICC on this server in sorry OP if you feel like your going to get anywhere pugging the cata content

Rende and the folks of Timeless Order (R.I.P.) held a 25m ICC pug for about 8 weeks. We got 11/12.

Rende is an exceptional raid leader and rest assured he'll be leading a lucky few through some serious Cataclysm raid content.

Bad troll, no cookie.
Edited by Aelune on 12/31/2010 8:34 AM PST
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85 Tauren Druid
I can has cookie... yes?
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100 Night Elf Druid
Good luck Rende, I did enjoy playing with you and the Timeless Order group.
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85 Gnome Mage
12/31/2010 8:53 AMPosted by Atepa
I can has cookie... yes?

You get a gnome cookie.*

The thread gets a bump.

*May or may not be made from real gnomes.
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85 Draenei Death Knight
people couldnt even clear 6/12 in ICC on this server in sorry OP if you feel like your going to get anywhere pugging the cata content

Rende and his group did exceptionally well with the ICC content. I expect to see the same results this time around, too.

Kudos to Rende for doing this. If I were inclined to raid, I'd work on gearing myself up and joining. As it is, I wish you and your group good luck!

I agree i had the pleasure of tanking and dpsing with that group on various toons and it was a very enjoyable experience.

I support this message...

I would be happy to lvl a 2nd toon if you would be interested in a holy/shadow priest.
Edited by Crtos on 1/3/2011 5:46 AM PST
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90 Human Priest
As long as I am not in a raiding guild or saved by then I would love to come melt some faces. I may even be able to arrange a resto druid or 2 & some dps to come along as well. Send me a tell in game the 6th or 7th & I should know for sure.
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85 Human Warrior
Thank you all for your responses and bumps (even the trolls ;-P)

If you are interested in coming along, please contact me in game either by in game mail or send a tell (I'm on most nights).

I know I missed some people on the invites which were sent out (zomg Aelune! How the hell did I miss you?!?). If you are from our original runs in ICC then definitely get in touch. Your spot is already assured.

I won't lie. The first night may be a challenge (or we could surprisingly one shot the first boss) however I am consulting some of my good friends in Bads on strats and a few may even join us.

I am confident, at the very least, it will be a fun time.
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85 Human Warrior
Nice job tonight everyone. Halfus down and on the way to Valiona.

Thanks to the guys and gals of Heroes and Scholars, THE TEN, Bads, Boomstick Saints and, of course, Sacred. See you all tomorrow for the continuation.
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