Mature player looking to join Mature Guild

Hello all!

I have just started playing WoW a couple of weeks ago after playing LOTRO since beta. Cataclysm intrigued me and it seemed like a good time to start playing with all the changes that WoW is undergoing. I played in a high level raiding kinship (guild) in LOTRO for almost 4 years and have always played a healer or CC. But I started to dislike the direction that LOTRO is moving in so I cancelled my sub.
I am in search of a mature laid back guild that doesn't take itself too seriously and is not full of elitist people. I have a lot to learn with the different mechanics of WoW and I figure the best way to do that is with a group of understanding people that I can play with and bounce ideas off of. I realize this is a RP server and I am not opposed to any RPing aspect. The main reason I joined a RP server is it seems to be populated with a more mature player base.

I work as a professional Firefighter so I have a lot of spare time to play and I am on all hours of the day and night. I have a wife and a 5 year old daughter though, so sometimes real life will have to come first. I have aspirations of raiding end game instances but only after I learn everything I need to learn with my Priest.
If I sound like someone you would like to recruit please feel free to whisper me in game or reply to this message.

Thank you for reading and Happy Gaming!

Edited by Sennett on 12/23/2010 2:51 PM PST
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65 Blood Elf Priest
Welcome to CC (the common abbreviation for the server)!

I never really thought I would like role playing until I got bored with the day to day grind of killed X monsters to get Z reward. It is good to see you are not opposed to role playing, so maybe when your comfortable with the game you want to give it a try!

Almost everyone that comes to CC comments about how helpful the community and players are. Obviously you'll run into exceptions to the rule, but in my time on this server they have been few and far between!

I'm here to Role Play, so I can't really offer any advice in regards to non-role playing guilds; though I know they can be found easy enough. I just passed 10 years on the job myself. My captain is a techno-phobe and doesn't like computers, but if I am "lucky" enough to get "stuck" on the 'bus, 90% of those guys play WoW and its a wonder they get anything done between calls!

BTW, blood elf priest must run in the service!
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12/23/2010 3:14 PMPosted by Vasliki
Welcome to CC (the common abbreviation for the server)!

I never really thought I would like role playing until I got bored with the day to day grind of killed X monsters to get Z reward. It is good to see you are not opposed to role playing, so maybe when your comfortable with the game you want to give it a try!

Almost everyone that comes to CC comments about how helpful the community and players are. Obviously you'll run into exceptions to the rule, but in my time on this server they have been few and far between!

I'm here to Role Play, so I can't really offer any advice in regards to non-role playing guilds; though I know they can be found easy enough. I just passed 10 years on the job myself. My captain is a techno-phobe and doesn't like computers, but if I am "lucky" enough to get "stuck" on the 'bus, 90% of those guys play WoW and its a wonder they get anything done between calls!

BTW, blood elf priest must run in the service!

Good to see a fellow brother in the game...

Stay safe my friend!

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90 Human Priest
If you have any interest trying the Alliance side, you may want to take a look at The Other Side guild. I'm a former blood elf clothie myself. ;)
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