Alliance PvP Pledge

85 Dwarf Warrior
I (your name here), pledge to not ever queue up for Tol Barad again if one of these conditions are applicable to myself:

1) I am honestly not very good at PvP, and I have the stones to admit such a claim.
2) I want to see what kind of herbs/ore I can mine in this new area.
3) I believe my strategy is best and will continue to use my strategy by myself even if nobody else is doing what I say (also see #1).

- Signed by (your signature here) on (mm/dd/yyyy).


Seriously, considering these PvP objectives are no longer about zerging one another and is actually about working together, it makes a lot more sense for me and for everyone else on the Alliance that the people queuing up for this thing actually be the kind of people who PvP on a regular basis and not just some casual who wants to hit people in a battleground. It hurts every other PvE-based Alliance player on the server for an hour and a half or two hours (whichever it is) when you go in there and screw it all up and then we can't to the PvE raid or the dailies associated with the zone.

I went in for the first full game I've experienced today, realized most of the players there would rather do their own thing and not listen to directions, and then I decided to spend my time ressing, running into 10 Horde alone, ressing, running into 10 Horde alone, and so on until we lost the game, just because people didn't seem to really care. So I will be the first one to sign this pledge, so that real PvPers can do this for all of us.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I Paranitis, pledge to not ever queue up for Tol Barad again if one of these conditions are applicable to myself:

1) I am honestly not very good at PvP, and I have the stones to admit such a claim.
2) I want to see what kind of herbs/ore I can mine in this new area.
3) I believe my strategy is best and will continue to use my strategy by myself even if nobody else is doing what I say (also see #1).

- Signed by *Paranitis* on (12/25/2010).

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85 Human Paladin
1) I'm not very good an PvP and will still queue up.

2) Hmmm didn't realize herbs and ore were out there. Thanks for the info.

3) Kill things with the pointy end of my weapon till it stops moving. GO!
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Tol Barad, in it's current state, is incredibly biased towards the defender. We will likely hold onto the zone untill Blizzard gets around to fixing it, unless you pull out a lucky win, then manage to get enough people into defend.

To win, the attackers must capture all three bases at once. Comparatively, for the defenders to win, all we have to do is prevent a single base from capping all the way. Enough of an imbalance on its own, but to compound matters, while attackers rez close to the base their attacking, allowing them to overpower eventually against an equal number of defenders, the defenders rez in the center of the map, allowing the defenders easy access to take any other lightly defended base.

So no, us hordies arn't super skilled awesome pvpers, and the alliance arn't all a bunch of worthless scrubs who can't play. (Well maybe a little). The map is broken.

Not going to stop me from getting all my wins while I can, though.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I don't disagree with the map being broken. But still doesn't help to have people that are bad at PvP, and are not team players out there trying to go "OMG LOOK I R TEH SUPAR!" and dying because they aren't following any sort of plan.

So until the map is fixed, I just won't go there anymore, at least as my Warrior. Maybe as my Mage I can since it can at least do some form of CC. Para it's just try to fear something that just breaks fear, and then die. Never been good at PvP on my Warrior, and I refuse to spec my PvE character for PvP.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
As long as Psyclone and Tacorian keep showing up I'm good.
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90 Human Paladin
Orbould, its really refreshing to hear someone from your side acknowledging the problems with it. It's been incredibly frustrating to be locked out of so much content without any hope of it being resolved soon. At least back in the Wintergrasp Tenacity days, though it was imbalanced a bit, you guys were able to win it a good amount and get things done.
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86 Human Paladin
I like to think I'm actually a pretty damn good PvPer...but I'm not touching Tol Barad until it's more balanced. The amount of broked'ness going on in there right now is absolutely terrible.
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Even as a losing attacker I still make 200 honor per game :x

So its not a total wash, though I'd love to get in more dailies and a shot at that raid boss...

...if I ever, you know, get a raid...
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From a (brilliant) user on wowhead with the perfect tactic on how to play Tol Barad :

How to defend Tol Barad:
1. Turtle one base a time
2. ?
3. Profit

How to attack Tol Barad:
1. Change your faction to defender' one
2. ?
3. Profit
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100 Human Mage
Tol Barad as it is makes me wonder about the mercury content of Blizzard HQ's drinking water.
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86 Human Paladin
It's not about the honor. Hell honor is going to be next to useless to anyone who's serious about PvP in the near future, seeing as the best rewards come from Conquest Points.

No it's about the extra daily quests and the shot at some easy T11. Not to mention it's just not fun going into something knowing your chances of winning depend on how bad your opponents are, not how good you are. The defenders for Tol Barad (on either side) only need to hold one base and turtle the @@*% out of it.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
12/27/2010 3:44 PMPosted by Grux
Also Para, you could try not mindlessly running into a zerg to die over and over if you actually want to win :)

Entertaining, but not effective. You may as well not go if that is how you are going to spend your time there.

That's kind of what I was talking about in that game though. People talked about attacking a base, and never really did, because they were farming whatever it was they were farming out there, and then finally people decided to finally give up the other base to go to the one I was totally owning you all by myself..but they did it way too late.

I just figured if nobody else is gonna try working together, that I might as well make my only game there be entertaining for somebody. :P
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100 Troll Shaman
12/27/2010 8:41 PMPosted by Grux
Well, at least now you get 1800 honor for winning on offense. Get to coordinating for that sweet spot.

Clearly this will solve everything Blizzard

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85 Night Elf Druid
I'm surprised the forums aren't ablaze at the thought of making 10k honor a day through win trading alone.

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90 Human Paladin
12/27/2010 8:41 PMPosted by Grux
Who knows, maybe we'll see people coordinating to swap it back and forth. Doubtful after WG getting locked down forever though.

Bah, Wintergrasp traded hands just about equal to the population balance. It may not have been convenient, but you guys did at least get it a fair amount... and for sure held it a lot after the 1-to-1 ratio.

If by some fluke Alliance side ever is in a position of owning one of these places 100% of the time, I'd be the first one to talk seriously about giving you guys access to the goodies by throwing a match here or there. We're an RP server, and generally a friendly one. I like fun battles, but its no fun to win if the other side has no chance and being punished further by not having access to the content.
Edited by Karadine on 12/28/2010 2:09 AM PST
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I don't like the idea of throwing matches, but I do like the idea of cooperation towards a bigger gain. This does seem like a win-win scenario...
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