Hey, I transferred servers with some friends... and then they abandoned me. I currently have no guild and am looking for one. I have this toon, an 80 Warlock (Lakesis), an 80 DK (Tsiphone), and a lot of bitty alts in various stages of leveling. I raid Resto, but I have to be casual atm, and I have the small problem of being on EST with a somewhat flexible but not to PST standards sleep schedule. At the moment, I'm at the very least looking for people to talk to and run dungeons with, would be interested in raiding but like I said, I have that weird schedule (by server time standards, it's pretty normal if you're on my time).
I pretty much never RP, so I'd rather have a casual raiding guild or something. Feel free to contact me on the game, I'm around afternoons/evenings server usually.
I pretty much never RP, so I'd rather have a casual raiding guild or something. Feel free to contact me on the game, I'm around afternoons/evenings server usually.
Edited by Hekatae on 12/28/2010 7:54 AM PST