[H; RP] Inconspicuous Recruitment

85 Goblin Rogue
You see a short, scrawled note, attached to the side of the Warchief's Command, the Horde Recruitment board in central Orgrimmar.

Seasoned assassin, searching in earnest for a few understudies to destroy key lines within the Alliance infrastructure. Violence and danger guaranteed, death probable. If interested (and able to fly), send a short message via post to Sava, including your earliest available opportunity to meet.


((Starting a semi-regular RP event for those interested in cross-faction bloodshed. There will be "training" and tasks to accomplish to be 'initiated,' and ultimately, targets to kill on the Alliance. We will start small, with NPCs being targeted, but if we can get some alliance guilds on board (ie, keeping PvP tags on when they are out and about), it may 'graduate' to actual marks across faction.

Open to any and all guilds, and all classes (but rogues and stealth-using classes are preferred). Looking to start as soon as possible--if interested, just send me an in-game message according to directions.))

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90 Undead Priest
The dead priest absently scratched at his ragged mouth hole as he read the note. "Sava, yes I met her last night. Very impressive, she is. I expect she'll attract plenty of business, and more than a few associates."

He wandered away from the crowded courtyard of central Orgrimmar muttering to himself, "I can already think of a few jobs that need doing."
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By 'destroy key lines within the Alliance infrastructure' you actually mean 'give the Alliance free stuff', right?

Stealthing in and leaving Brewfest kegs around, things like that?
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