Skulls mon, I be seekin human skulls!

100 Troll Warlock
::A notice has been placed on the bullenten boards outside of the Undercity bank that reads the following::

Mon I be in need of da skulls of da human fiends dat be pollutin da world! In mah quest ta be findin out jus who be bringin meh back ta da world of da livin, I be visited by a spirit mon! Dey be grantin me a boon! A fire ta burn da skulls, and burn der souls! But I cant be showin me face to da humans jus yet. I need da skulls ta feed dis spirit, den it be grantin me information!

Two birds...maybe three wit one stone! Alliance be dyin, Forsaken be happy and I be gettin da info I seek!

I need da fresh skulls wit da brains still inside! Dun matter age en gender, jus as long as dey be human wit da brain inside.

I dun have much ta pay joo wit but I sure we can work somtin out mon. Fer further information joo be contactin me!

Da Hexlord Didios
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl started at the voice from the shadows. It was familiar, low and comforting as a mother's croon and yet she knew the truth. The owner was a deadly assassin and her most reliable informant. "You're back."

"Yes." She knew not to turn around.

"Are you still looking for information about the horde?"

"Even more so now."

"Good. There's a troll in Undercity who's looking for human skulls with the brains still intact to do some kind of voodoo. His name is Didios and he's paying a bounty. I thought you'd be interested."

She flinched. "Soldiers?"

He chuckled. "Always the optimist. Any age, any gender."

"Thank you. Yes, this is something that needs to be handled."

"I left the notice he posted in Undercity at the inn. Ask the keeper for your recipe and pay him. He'll get the money to me as always."

Another madman. Why were they so often trolls?
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl sat at the inn, wearing red as the man had requested. The inn was more crowded than she preferred for a meeting like this, but it was his choice.

Spricket was sad because she needed one hundred sheep for her dowery or she couldn't marry the man she loved. Gentyl hadn't raised livestock since she was a child, but she was very good at making exploding sheep and she offered to help. "Who is your fiance'?" she asked the gnome.



"Vloth," Spricket nodded.

"Does he know?"


"Won't he suspect something at the wedding?"

"I was going to drug him."

Gentyl loved gnomes, but she really didn't understand how their minds worked at times. "In that case, I think the exploding sheep will be fine. I'll start sending them to Vloth if you're sure this is who you want to marry."

At ten bells, the man still hadn't arrived, or if he had, he'd decided it was too crowded to make contact. As she left, a stranger walked up to her and slipped a note in her hand, then disappeared before Gentyl could say anything. She opened it slowly.

"I'll take the job. The troll is dead. By the way, that's an ugly damned hat. You look better with your hair down."

((Didios, if you want to rp this out, I'll offer a bounty for a legitimate kill.))
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100 Troll Warlock
((Sure I would like to continue this, will have to type something more out during the weekend, I have no time at the moment and sorry for not following this up till now, lots of RL junk happend all at once, bleh!. Just shoot some ideas on on here or via ingame mail with alts if ya want!))
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85 Human Priest
"He sounds like a very bad man, Sepha."

Gentyl looked around at the young priestess. "Yes, he is. We need to have him taken care of."
Edited by Faithe on 2/2/2011 10:41 AM PST
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100 Troll Warlock
(forgive me for not responding to this as I should, would love to continue it and will, just v ery slow to respond at the moment, just been hit like a truck with a few things in RL this past month or so. Bah! But expect something vile comming up soonish! I think overall I want to earn a reputation, on both sides as someone to revile big time.)
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90 Blood Elf Priest
((Forgive the noobish question, but is there a specific "Brain-Filled Skull" item or some such in-game that's being looked for here, or are we encouraged to use our imagination in coming up with props? The AAMS might certainly like to be involved...much easier for an Alliance Branch member to casually raid a few Alliance-guarded tombs than for Horde members to fight their way in, after all!

Strictly in the name of neutral commerce, of course.))
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100 Human Paladin
((I think he's just trying to establish his character and stir up some roleplay. There are some skulls in game that could be delivered, though.))
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100 Troll Warlock
(Yar no specific item though I spose I could DL GHitems and go that route. Man, RL is just slamming me lately and havent gotten around to this. For a short rundown, I used to be a forsaken, and did do bits and pieces of RP back in the day as a follower of Hakkar. Over time, my memories started comming back to me, realised I was a troll and during the last elemental invasion I was performing a ritual to try and come back to life. Had done various rituals in the past, no success. This one, not sure if it worked or not, I awoke later after the invasion to the current time frame <not sure how many yrs,months etc passed as stated by Blizz on this> alive and all that good stuff. Not a darkspear, not sure which tribe I hail from yet. As a forsaken I had been touched and left with essences of Hakkar and C'Thun among other primal beings, so going with that as a factor on how I came back to life. Currently a mysterious Loa granted me this special fire that traps souls to the owners skull and burns the soul. This also sustains/feeds the Loa which will give me answers over time as to how I came back.

Mixed with a massive hatered for humans, which I blame for my years spent as a mindless undead then forsaken, this part of the RP is born. I'll explain a bit more later as to my past in a edit, gotta run for now. Though this week I should have time to work on this in character a bit more! Sorry for the delay and junk post!)
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85 Undead Warlock
Souleater stared at the billboard.

"Skulls," he muttered. "Well, I suppose I could part with a few hundred. The Grim Maw outer tower is mostly done and while I wouldn't say it's possible to over do decor with skulls, the guild hall certainly is on its way to becoming a bit too repetitious.

Wait, what's this? He wants them with the brains still inside?

Good luck my friend, no member of the Horde is going to leave the delectable gooey center intact..."
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