The Adventures of Turwinkle!

56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new Turwinkle Talks episode, with special guests, the guild called the Lighting Lancers!

This is a wonderful interview with a great guild! We learn all about the ins and outs of the Lighting Lancers! Come and learn all about this terrific alliance guild! We have a lot of fun with these fabulous Role Players as we get to know how all about this fun guild!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Turwinkle and the Lighting Lancers goodness! :D
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle here to announce the next adventure of the Goober Squad as they enter the Ragefire Chasm!

Come and journey with them as they explore this dungeon in this fun new series!

Learn about the bosses you will encounter and see how the Goober Squad handles them!

See what treasures they find and who gets what!

So grab your favorite beverage and snack as the Goober Squad takes on the Ragefire Chasm!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks!

Turwinkle is back in a fun episode where we attend a terrific story telling event put on by the Nor'Kure guild!

We had a great time and this is a good example of some of the fun events that happen on most of the servers every day!

So come and watch the fun and hear from the folks that put on the event! We chat about how they thought it went and what they will do in the future for more of these types of events in the future!

So grab your favorite drink, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle and Nor'Kure event goodness! :D
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new fun adventure! That's right! Episode 141 is up for your viewing pleasure!

In this episode, we find our hero working for the Baron of Bogpaddle! Turwinkle is tasked with gathering Makrura tails, disarm some landmines and kill some Crocolisks! A very busy day for our Gnomish hero!

So grab your favorite beverage, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Turwinkle goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! The Goober Squad is back in their next adventure! That's right! They have ventured forth into the dangers of ShadowFang Keep!

Join the Goober Squad as they face off against the various enemies found within the ShadowFang Keep! Learn who the bosses are and why they are in the Keep!

We want to thank Raz for helping to cover for the missing Iddeaus!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and have fun with all the Goober Squad goodness!
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