Walking with the Elements
Join us, as Thaettir Swiftwater, shaman, presents a weekly lesson in how the Elements shape both our lives, and the world around us, as well as insights into Shamanism for both the non-shaman and the shaman-in-training.
Our location will vary from week to week. Lessons will be presented at locations including Shaman shrines, places of elemental importance, or other locations that help to enhance the elemental lesson of the week. Some actual walking may be required.
This week’s lesson will be located at Spirit Rock, in the Valley of Trials, Durotar.
The first Walking with the Elements will be on Monday, May 11th, at 7pm server Contact Thaettir-CenarionCircle for more information.
Edited by Thaettir on 5/10/2015 6:16 PM PDT