Stonewind Storytelling [Saturday 6pm ST]

100 Tauren Druid
08/15/2015 08:08 PMPosted by Réase
I love stories. And I love bonfires.

Its a shame I can't understand what you're saying, and people beat me up when I come visit =(

Rease you have a moo friend that can translate.
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100 Tauren Monk
Stories today! Also the Lunar Bazaar afterwards at 8pm in Sun Rock Retreat!
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100 Tauren Monk
Bump for today! Come one, come all!
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100 Tauren Monk
Storytelling today! Followed by the Bazaar! Come and tell and listen to stories!!
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100 Tauren Monk
Bump for Storytelling today! Come share or listen!
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100 Troll Rogue
Totally going to this tonight. Not sure if I be there as Gith or show up on my old Tauren. If you see Rutahnma snooping about that's me.
Edited by Githnji on 1/23/2016 4:07 PM PST
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100 Gnome Mage
Bump for nostalgia.

Way back when I played a Tauren Shaman named Cunnawabum, and he participated in a little group called the Brokenhorn Peace Circle, led by the Tauren Ogrun Brokenhorn. They, too, held a Story Circle public event every... Thursday night (I think) in the same spot you all are now. Those were good times, I think back in WotLK. I know others have carried this torch as well, and to be honest I'm not sure if the Peace Circle started it.

Anyways, thanks for the trip down memory lane, and keeping this tradition alive. <3

EDIT: In fact, I'm going to come on my old Undead character. Be right there!
Edited by Tinkertop on 1/23/2016 6:14 PM PST
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100 Gnome Mage
10/10 Event. I spotted at least 50 in attendance.

Some of my favorites of the night:

  • Vulzak's Trolly tale of a caring Loa.
  • Xenhi's suspenseful story of two young Pandaren and one of their trials to become a Shadow Pan
  • Zepsi's choose-your-own-adventurous anecdote of a baby murloc named Pip.
  • Too-many tales to count!
  • I had to leave to get ready for a guild event after Zepsi's. Too many artifacts to research, so little time. By far, though, Hura's heart-wrenching tale of a young Tauren escaping a horrible life was my personal favorite of the night.

    I had a lovely time, and I'll try to remember to stop by more in the future! <3
    Edited by Tinkertop on 1/23/2016 6:12 PM PST
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    100 Tauren Monk
    Bump for this week! Taeana and others will be sharing stories from the Scavenger Hunt this week!
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    74 Blood Elf Paladin
    Mew... Sorry I couldn't make the story circle today! But my computer up and died, and I had to reboot from scratch...
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    100 Tauren Paladin
    <bump for cool Tauren!>
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    74 Blood Elf Paladin
    Today's the day, at 6pm server time we shall gather round the bonfire to share tales and wag tails!
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    <picks Plains up and gives her giant tauren hugssss!>
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    100 Tauren Monk
    little nudge for today! Come join and share a tale or two!
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    100 Undead Warrior
    It's Friday now! SATURDAY IS COMING ON UP!
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    100 Tauren Paladin
    <bumps the post!>

    <hugs on all!!!!>
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    100 Tauren Monk
    Storytelling this evening! Followed by the Bazaar! All welcome!
    Reply Quote

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