I'm looking to run some rated BG's with a group that may have an opening. The group makeup can be serious, or just for fun. I'm not on a ton, but play hard when I am.
Feral LFG for Rated BG's
I was going to pop in to let you know CoL has openings on Sat nights, but then I saw that you were a Night Elf! The audacity, of an Alliance player trying to conspire against us. This means WAR!
I already hate you for having the prettiest kitty forms in game. My finger is on the faerie fire button, just waiting for you to try to gank me mister!
Good luck finding your group!
I already hate you for having the prettiest kitty forms in game. My finger is on the faerie fire button, just waiting for you to try to gank me mister!
Good luck finding your group!
Still nothing on here from any Alliance. I may have to switch factions just to PVP on this server I take it?
No, don't switch factions! You get instant BG queues as alliance. It's a long wait on the horde side.
Look up Nokose and his group. They do a lot of PvP on alliance-side after transferring from horde. :)
Look up Nokose and his group. They do a lot of PvP on alliance-side after transferring from horde. :)
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