[H] Rated BGs, every Sat @10:30PM

90 Troll Druid
Cry of Luna is going to be running a rated BG group every Sat night at 10:30 PM. Priority goes to guildies, but it's tough for us to fill a 10/15 man group purely from guild. So, we are inviting well-spoken, pleasant Hordies to join us as we farm some conquest points and bash some skulls in!

We are not a hardcore, PvP group, so you should expect a fairly average experience if you choose to run with us. We don't particularly care if we win or lose, it's more of a hang out and get there eventually experience. We will not yell at people who make mistakes, or try to turn this into a super serious affair.

If this sounds like fun, whisper Faeylin on Saturday evenings @ 10:00 PM and we'll let you know if we can fit you in. Thanks again, and good luck in all your endeavors!
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
So when I go can I be the one yelling " OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" or " OMG YOU SUCK! GTFO!" like a crazy person? Cause you know Id rock at it, lol.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Linndrah, I can totally see you doing that as well. Anyways I shall message you in game on Saturday when I get home from work at 10 server
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90 Troll Druid
01/06/2011 3:04 PMPosted by Linndrah
So when I go can I be the one yelling " OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" or " OMG YOU SUCK! GTFO!" like a crazy person? Cause you know Id rock at it, lol.

Haha! Hopefully you'll be a bit nicer than that, but we accept you for who you are Linn! Alliance who faction swapped to Horde deserve the same treatment as those filthy Alliance. Why not? You can beat our team up too!

And...should anyone on our team ask about when we'll be blowing Heroism, we'll host a short RP session at the Gurubashi arena after we're done with PvPing! We're just cool like that. ^^

01/06/2011 3:44 PMPosted by Enchanteé
Linndrah, I can totally see you doing that as well. Anyways I shall message you in game on Saturday when I get home from work at 10 server

We look forward to running with ya. Should be an enchanting evening. :P
Edited by Faeylin on 1/6/2011 4:04 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Possibly. I just want to kill a dwarf warlock:(
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84 Undead Warlock
Do you guys do any other days? I currently work Saturday, 10:00pm - 7:00am. Trying to find a solid guild to pvp with on my rogue.
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100 Orc Warrior
01/06/2011 6:08 PMPosted by Enchanteé
Possibly. I just want to kill a dwarf warlock:(

Pssh... you couldn't kill a level 1 dwarf warlock if it was AFK.

edit to not double post:



Javied? Hordeside? Please tell me you brought your warrior over to the good guys too!


The Warrior Formerly Known as Melizzy
Edited by Káhn on 1/9/2011 4:15 PM PST
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90 Troll Druid
I think this event is on hold for now. I do arenas and I'm just ok at them. I like normal BGs, and I kind of was under the impression that rated BGs would be somewhat like the normal BG games, just slightly more organized and competitive (and kinda fun). They seem way more serious than I expected.

We totally got smacked down last night in our four matches (could barely even fight back). Teams are extremely competitive, and organized, down to having x amount of healers, and stacked CC classes (druids and frost mages); it felt like we were viciously assaulted in a very unpleasant way.

Rated BGs probably require 10/10 (or 15/15) hardcore PvPers in full resilience gear.

We *were not* prepared! ; ;

(It didn't help that many people weren't even familiar with Twin Peaks or the Battle for Gilneas ahead of time)
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100 Orc Warrior
What you needs is a prot war to stun a mofo

Fury = pve
prot = pvp
arms = lawlstorm
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Fae as much of a headache it was. I think it was kinda fun
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90 Troll Druid
We can go again if you guys are feeling masochistic! You, me, next Saturday night @10:30!

Honestly, if everyone does want to do it again, we should aim for three heals and everyone in nearly full 359 blue PvP gear. Enough to where we can at least fight back.

I'm willing to keep trying hard stuff. Ley doesn't have a choice, so we're at least 3/15 ^^
Edited by Faeylin on 1/9/2011 10:18 PM PST
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