SoE RP guilds

85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Hey im an Experinced RPer been rping for a few years now on the server and im looking for an Active friendly rping guild ever since Cata. came out it seems all the rp died and im searching for a guild that still does some rp
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It'd be against my protocol not to recommend my own guild in this situation. Order of Absolution is a fairly new(ish) RP guild. We hold guild-RP events every so often (in or out of guild-chat) as well as some occasional OOC goodness as well (for those of us who prefer to RP casually). We're home to quite a few experienced RPers, including myself.

If you wanna check us out, get in contact with the guild leader. Her name is Ebonara.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I could suggest The Broken House. I am not sure what kind of RP you are into. We have a weekly event on Sunday evenings at 7PM server time in Thunderbluff. We run along family style RP/ storytelling. We also have quite a few active members who use our forums as well.

Feel free to stop by on a Sunday evening or even check out our web page.

I hope your search is not too long!
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