[A] Ascendancy Recruiting - Come One Come All

100 Night Elf Druid
In a world with overpriced auction houses and overcamped gathering nodes... where Deathwing can descend upon you and turn you into fried chicken at any given moment... one guild looks to strike back at the heavy respawning areas in Tol Barad, the hair-pulling frustration from failed pug heroics, and push downward into Blackrock Descent, soar above the clouds of The Throne of Four Winds, cut through the darkness of the Bastion of Twilight, and overthrow the Horde to sack Baradin Hold. That one guild is Ascendancy and it is in need of experienced players who know when to move out of fire, and those wishing to learn when to move out of fire. We seek warlocks, tanks, and healers to join our fight, but will review all applications that are submitted. The time for leveling is over, now is the time to raid.

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100 Night Elf Druid
We are still looking for individuals interested in raiding. Any who apply will be considered, although tanks and healers will be given priority. We are now a level 12 guild and will soon be level 13. Come enjoy raiding with Ascendancy.
Edited by Eleros on 1/26/2011 10:08 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Druid
Since I last posted, Ascendancy has increased it's guild level to 16 and has been able to consistently down Magmaw and the Conclave of Wind (both in 10 man). We also earned our first Halfus kill on only our third attempt. As we progress further into these dungeons, we are looking to add additional raiders to our ranks. Our top priority is recruiting healers and warlocks, however we will welcome applications from all classes. For all those seeking to join a raiding guild that is interested in progression as well as having fun, please send an in-game tell to one of our officers or check out our website:

Edited by Eleros on 2/20/2011 7:39 PM PST
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