[A] <Unlucky> 10 man - DPS needed.

90 Pandaren Warrior
<Unlucky> was started just a few months before Wrath was coming to a close, which is mostly comprised of a few RL friends and a couple of random people I've met on this server.

We currently have raid times set up for Thursdays and Sundays @ 630 server time. Our first night in BWD we managed to get Magmaw down and I'm looking for those last few spots to make our group a regular occurrence.

Currently, I'm looking for:

1 (Maybe 2) Solid dps. I have a ton of ranged DPS so if you're melee do not feel afraid to apply if you have the so-called skills to pay the bills.

I would LOVE to have an Assassination Rogue or an Unholy DK for our raid comp. We run caster heavy.

So, if any of this interests you at all don't hesitate to get a hold of me in-game. Or you can even leave a note here.
Edited by Collapser on 1/19/2011 10:34 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Druid
We have a good group of people here, and we get our guildies their daily heroics.

Our first night on Omnitron Council went pretty well and I think we would have downed them if not for connection issues.

Message either Collapser or myself in game or reply here and we can talk more about getting you on the schedule.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
To the top with you. Still looking for 1 - 2 dps. Probably won't take another hunter.

No rogues or a regular DK in raid.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Bump, and changed what I'm looking for.

C'mon, you silly rogues and/or Unholy DK's!

Magmaw and Halfus are down, Omnotron/Maloriak this week most likely. Also, attempts on Twin Dragons in Bastion have started.
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85 Human Mage
Let me know if you need another caster... I"m in the market for a regular raid.
I've only completed BH but am familiar with the other fights. I'll try to rem. to log out in raid gear. I pulled 13K in BH yesterday.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Bump. Have a spot open for a tank or regular DPS shaman. Also, an extra healer might be worthwhile.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
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85 Dwarf Shaman
To the top. Need 1 - 2 reliable, solid dps. Nothing really preferred.
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100 Human Warrior
If you are still looking for dps I may be intrested, your raid times are good for me. Let me know. Just send me an ingame mail or add me to friends if you'd like to discuss thanks =D
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85 Human Rogue
I would also be interested. I still need a little gear but can definitely it 10k+ on bosses without too much switching.

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