[H] | Blood Moon | 10 man raids/social (lvl7)

89 Troll Warrior
First and foremost welcome and I'd like to thank you for taking an interest in our guild.

Albeit of history behind blood moon. We started out as a late night ICC10 progressive raiding guild that focused mostly within the 10 man raids. We are a group of casual players but serious about raiding content and progression.


  • *We expect our raiders to be smart, geared, and dependable. They are expected to show up to raids and be informed about the fights beforehand. This includes being able to follow instructions and we do welcome discussions.

  • *Drama. No drama will be accepted. Any occurrences will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

  • *Remember we are a social and casual guild that means respect each other! Having a sense of humor is a plus.

  • Raiding times
    Friday & Saturday
    9:30pm - 12:30am Server

    We are currently seeking raiders to fill in the following positions.

    Ranged DPS
    Preferred Warlock or elemental shaman; but will consider other classes.

    Apply @ BloodMoon-SOE.guildlaunch.com or Speak with one of the officers.

    If you are interested or have any questions you may contact us at our forums or one of our officers

    Zumiju: Seiryuu, Heinzori
    Borglaw: Borgnoturpal
    Malhedros: Malthinos

    Guild Website:
    Edited by Zumiju on 1/25/2011 10:59 PM PST
    Reply Quote
    83 Undead Warlock
    *Drama. No drama will be accepted. Any occurrences will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

    It's good to see a drama free Blood Moon. I'll have to get in touch with you Zumi.
    Reply Quote
    85 Blood Elf Hunter
    A bump for Zumi.
    Reply Quote

    Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:

    Threats of violence. We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.

    Posts containing personal information about other players. This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.

    Harassing or discriminatory language. This will not be tolerated.

    Forums Code of Conduct

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