10 man raiding opportunities

85 Worgen Priest
Hola! I'm in urgent need of a competent tank and healer for a 10 man raid on alliance side.

Wednesday and Thursday
18:00 to 21:00 PST

Our current setup is:
Prot Paladin(unknown how long he will be with us)

Resto Druid
Holy Priest

Fury Warrior
Elemental Shaman
Shadow Priest
Shadow Priest

We are currently raiding Throne of the Four Winds, with expansion into other venues as we get a solid lineup going.

Any information required should be directed at Vexxecon/Matharan in game. Send a mail or whisper in game and I'll respond asap.

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85 Worgen Priest
Still looking for a tank and healer!
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85 Night Elf Druid
I just wanted to add my two cents. This raid is a lot of fun! This is the fourth ten-man raid to come out of Aevo, so we're just short a couple folks. And because Aevo doesn't require guild membership in order to be in raids that its members lead, you can stay in your guild and still raid with us! You would of course be welcome to apply to the guild if you'd like, however. :)
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