Mage seeking reg 10/25 man raid grp

85 Human Mage
I work a day shift on the east coast so it is easy for me to commit to any evenings necessary.
Currently have Ilvl of 351. My raid set is hit capped with 1lvl 346 and higher in every slot. I have only completed Baradin Hold at this point but have made myself very familiar with the other raids encounters.

At the moment I only have the heroic daily to run and find my self with far too much time. I'm not looking to switch guilds but am fine with entering into whatever loot system the raid has in place.

Reply here or send me mail in game.

edit: may be in heroic gear ...
Edited by Cibele on 1/17/2011 5:51 PM PST
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32 Dwarf Rogue
Whenever you log off, make sure you log in your raid gear. It will help potential raid groups get a better idea of what you bring and if you know what you are doing.

Good luck in your search!
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85 Human Mage
Yes loogging off in raid gear would have been better... but my raid gear isn't that much different.. change a trinket and a few other pieces that give me more hit and lose a little crit / mastery and the end result isnt that much different. Everything is ilvl 346 and up. Once the server is back up I will change the armory to be raid gear.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Unknown Entity is looking for more raiders for our 25 man raid. We run Friday, Sunday, and Monday from 5:30pm to 9pm server time. If you're interested in applying, our application page is

I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have us (although I'm more likely to answer if you whisper me in game ;).
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85 Human Mage
Thanks, I filled out an app. Hope ta chat with you soon.
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85 Human Mage
Still looking to join a regular raid. Not sure if I'm in my raid gear but my Ilvl is actually higher with raid gear due to the Archeology ring that I have. Send me ingame mail or reply here.
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85 Human Mage
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85 Worgen Priest
We're looking for a hunter, Shadow Priest, or Holy Pally.

Good luck.
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