[A, RP-PVP] Protectorate

85 Draenei Paladin
Greetings fellow SoE'ers!

The <Protectorate> is a brand new Draenic Military Guild based as an IC Splinter Task Force, branched from the Hand of Argus itself.

We are looking for both the in/experienced draenei roleplayers who likes the idea of being in a Draenic military guild, homeland defense stlye, who're of the following:

    Mature players who understand and can act upon the difference between in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) actions, with no desire to bring or create petty drama

    Literate players who can communicate without "leet speak"

    Family-friendly players that can keep excessive profanity and vulgarity out of guild chat

    Players that understand you can be the above three things and still have a damn good time

    Self motivated players

    and also players who doesn't mind incoming crazy ramblings from me.

We abide by the naming rules as specified

and the Blizzard Roleplaying Policy .



While we're currently only limited to draenei only, in the near future when the bulk of our force is filled. We -might- accept different races as auxilaries/support from our allies in the Alliance.

RP is priority. I did mention PvP on the title, yes. It's not however, compulsory but encouraged.

Please contact Jeramakus for recruitment or any questions (Or, he is also known in-game as Gottfried).

We also offer currently a two tabs bank, a fashionable tabard, and cake or pie; whichever to your preference.

Acchion Akko Kora!
Edited by Jeramakus on 1/13/2011 6:47 AM PST
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
<Squishy Squid Squad> would have been [much] better! But I guess protectorate is good too. :D Anyways, good to know you got this running. I look forward to seeing what you and your guild do as a whole for yourself and for the community in regards to being a standing representation of the noble Draenei. Yay tentacles!

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85 Draenei Paladin
You tempt me to make a Pvp guild based on that name.......


Our tenta- I mean, tendrils! TENDRILS I SAY! They have a collective hive mind on their own.

Which is why the ladies love us.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Le Bumporz.
Edited by Jeramakus on 4/2/2011 9:21 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Paladin
Kicking up this old thread to let everyone know we're still up and running.

We need moar waggle. <.<
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I has no waggle. :( I just an elf.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/03/2011 09:56 AMPosted by Aeralynn
I has no waggle. :( I just an elf.

Strut > Waggle, imo.

Just sayin'.

But dem NElf girls are kinda bouncy. >_>
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85 Draenei Paladin
Up I say!
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85 Night Elf Druid
But dem NElf girls are kinda bouncy. >_>

Dear god the bouncing. The BOUNCING.

Gotta love trying to roleplay Hiccup being Hiccup, and she starts bouncing...

[Hiccup]'s expression turns sour, bristling with anger as she turns to face you. "Whyfor talk like know all things? Not understand anythink!"

Me: -epicfacedeskgigglefit-
Edited by Hiccup on 4/29/2011 2:05 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Paladin


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85 Draenei Paladin
Big Garblin' Bump.

Need more waggle.
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