What's your honest opinion?

85 Blood Elf Paladin
We all know the whole "Horde sucks!", "Alliance sucks!" argument, but I'd like to ask the people of SoE exactly why you like the faction that you're in? Is it the PVP, RP, community, Auction House, etc?
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85 Draenei Shaman
When I first started playing WoW, I started off alliance for one reason: The Boyfriend. He bought me Vanilla and BC so we could play together, so I made Anainn (who was originally Anann when I was on Eonar) and stuck with her. It was when I transferred to SoE that I really started to appreciate draenei lore. But on the same side, I also really love the ruggedness of the Orcs, which is why I also have an orc DK on SoE too. I play Anainn more than my other toons because she has connections and people I can talk too. Also, my guild is awesome. I really enjoy their company which is why I stick to Alliance more so than the Horde.
Edited by Anainn on 1/19/2011 6:35 PM PST
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Horde or Gtfo, >.>
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, thanks for your input Icejob, but I was looking for intelligent responses. So until you can bring that from the Horde side, your opinion proves little.
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50 Dwarf Shaman
Hey sweetie, i'm posting on your forum b/c I can.

With my exp with Horde is that the chat is full of elitist jerks, however, the pugs I've had were 90% nice. Other than that priest who whined about me rolling on spirit gear lol. O and that Orc DK from my previous guild, you know who.

I've noticed that Alliance has grown more since we started here. From observation
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85 Human Paladin
I've played a fairly equal amount of both factions on SoE. When I arrived, when the server was fresh in BC, I rolled Horde to RP with friends. I stuck around Horde side for most of BC because of the thriving RP community. But as BC gave way into Wrath, Alliance has taken more of my time, simply because the RP is of higher quality. And with Cata, it seems to become even more true, with Horde RP slipping into a bare husk of what it once was, and Alliance's small community bustling with fun stories and interesting relationships.

My two cents.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Alliance is just terrible, myself included.
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52 Blood Elf Paladin
01/19/2011 10:27 PMPosted by Elyndelys
Well, thanks for your input Icejob, but I was looking for intelligent responses. So until you can bring that from the Horde side, your opinion proves little.

You asked for honest opinions and he gave his. That is definitely one thing I DISLIKE about my faction...snooty people that act like they are better than others and get butthurt when a conversation on the forums doesn't go their way.

Faction wise I generally enjoy the community Horde has to offer the PvE, and PvP. I've made some good friendships Hordeside and that is what I personally enjoy about my community.

Oh and HORDE or GTFO ya snatch >.>
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I jump over either way. Horde side seems to be harder to connect with publicly these day where Alliance is easier to find a channel with actual conversation and get results done. I don't count out horde, I just feel RP wise it's a bit difficult get us all in a room and talk about things.

The ironic thing I kept on being told is that Horde is more open and Alliance is more clique oriented. I am not doubting there are little circles and they do their little RP's with their nose in the air, I just don't see it any more openness on horde side. Little circles, no communication.
Both sides have their shares of it and both sides have their share of people who like to get folks connected.
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01/19/2011 10:27 PMPosted by Elyndelys
Well, thanks for your input Icejob, but I was looking for intelligent responses. So until you can bring that from the Horde side, your opinion proves little.

Someone people just can't see the sarcasm in things.... Silly Blood elf lady.... Horde or gtfo! >.>
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Honestly, I think the reason I stay Horde these days are because of my guild. I love every single one of them. and my friends, friends which span back to BC days. They are irreplacable, and I still to this day have met many great people on the Horde side and even a few on Alliance side.

As for the Horde side roleplay, there is nothing left of what it once was. Now it is mostly filled with trolls, and rather lack luster rp skits invovling a tauren and starting a blood elf slave trade/ prostitution ring. However On the same note, I have many interactions with some of the Cheshire Cats, and I have had a chance to roleplay with a few of them. Great stories, great roleplay in general.

As for the Pvp... I think it is safe to say Horde dominate pvp on this server, always have; always will.

And on Icejob:: Well what more is there to say than this. " I've never known a man to be more hated and loved at the same time on this server when it came to terrorizing SW. And that is saying alot, since the community as a whole respects what he does. And what he does is PvP great. At least in my Humble observation
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh Crai, reverting to name calling have we?

This forum was to discuss why you enjoy your faction. There is nothing "snooty" about wanting to see responses that answers that question.

"Horde of GTFO" = what does that tell me about your experience with the Horde? Okay you like it, but why?

Thank you to everyone else who understands the concept of this forum. I enjoy reading your responses. :)

P.S. = I'm hardly "snooty" and I don't think I'm better than anyone else. (Lol, frankly in pvp you all could kick my butt so hard I wouldn't be able to sit for a week, but that's besides the point.) :P
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Ok Now i'm going to post on this guy for more loving.

Ely and I have been playing these toons for some time, but have stopped b/c the LFD exp is annoying at best. I remember when i reverted this guy to tank and on /2 "looking for healer for daily then g2g" lol. We have had good and bad experiences on Horde, but I'm finding after Wintergrasp there is no challenge.

So Alliance will have to embrace my Shammy healer muhahaha as i am healing lowbie dungeons and pvp.

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85 Night Elf Hunter
To be perfectly honest, neither side on Sisters is any good. Raid-wise, as well as PvP-wise, if I had to choose, Horde has gained some of the *better* players, and have formed several quite competitive guilds. Alliance side is rather sad, lacking both good PvPers and good raiders. I am happy, however, to see a couple Alliance guilds at least trying to compete, such as Turmoil and Bads, but there is still a long way to go in this tier, and this expansion.

tl;dr We all suck together.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
-Rubs hands together- Ooooh where do I start!?

Horde...jesus. I'll tell you that Horde is the most clicky, most self absorbed, misplaced pride having bunch of cry baby idiots on the face of the planet. Why? 99.9% of them are Belfs...YES I know I am one! I stare at her on a daily basis! But the main difference is...I don't think I am my toon! You are not..an effin' elf! You are not that good looking! You are not amazing and wonderful! You are not a server celeb just because everyone hates you! You are a horrible person!

Yay that's out of my system. Honestly though there isn't a place on Alliance I can go where I wanna hurl just for standing there like I do in Silvermoon. Alliance are open about their douchebaggery...Horde tries to hide it by saying they're in character.

PvE wise...Horde raiders dominate, and up until the pre-Cata patch there wasn't a time when we didn't have Wintergrasp, save for when we were asleep in bed with our girlfriends and the Alliance was up at 5 am cause no Horde was around.

In short! Horde...really...be honest with yourselves. You're fat and ugly and you sit around all day in your pj's cause you have no lives and feel good about yourselves because you can type faster than most people and therefor get off more misspelled insults quicker.

Edited by Nyksis on 1/20/2011 5:07 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
01/20/2011 4:19 PMPosted by Nyksis
-Rubs hands together- Ooooh where do I start!?

Horde...jesus. I'll tell you that Horde is the most clicky, most self absorbed, misplaced pride having bunch of cry baby idiots on the face of the planet. Why? 99.9% of them are Belfs...YES I know I am one! I stare at her on a daily basis! But the main difference is...I don't think I am my toon! You are not..an effin' elf! You are not that good looking! You are not amazing and wonderful! You are not a server celeb just because everyone hates you! You are a horrible person!

Yay that's out of my system. Honestly though there isn't a place on Alliance I can go where I wanna hurl just for standing there like I do in Silvermoon. Alliance are open about their douchebaggery...Horde tries to hide it by saying they're in character.

PvE wise...Horde raiders dominate, and up until the pre-Cata patch there wasn't a time when we didn't have Wintergrasp, save for when we were asleep in bed with our girlfriends and the Alliance was up at 5 am cause no Horde was around.

In short! Horde...really...be honest with yourselves. You're fat and ugly and you sit around all day in your pj's cause you have no lives and feel good about yourselves because you can type faster than most people and therefor get off more misspelled insults quicker.


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30 Worgen Druid
01/20/2011 4:19 PMPosted by Nyksis

Horde...jesus. I'll tell you that Horde is the most clicky, most self absorbed, misplaced pride having bunch of cry baby idiots on the face of the planet.

Says the one who runs around saying she's a Dark Ranger. One who is still alive.

Seems Sylvanas is letting anyone into her ranks these days.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue

Horde...jesus. I'll tell you that Horde is the most clicky, most self absorbed, misplaced pride having bunch of cry baby idiots on the face of the planet.

Says the one who runs around saying she's a Dark Ranger. One who is still alive.

Seems Sylvanas is letting anyone into her ranks these days.

Ooooo I totally just got burned!! What does my rp have to do with what I said? I personally myself don't think I am a dark ranger. Seriously if you took a moment to actually READ my MRP you'd have a clue =D I could be running around pretending I'm a death knight dragon who can impregnate people which...I've seen happen in Silvermoon, and I won't be so cruel as to name names as to who it was. ^_^ If you had any guts at all you'd post on your main -kisses-
Edited by Nyksis on 1/20/2011 7:21 PM PST
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