You forgot about immaculate conception by gay mages too, Nyksis. I hear it's an epidemic over in Silvermoon.
What's your honest opinion?
01/20/2011 8:36 PMPosted by RijdåI like arcane torrent, and Alliance npcs have always seemed pompous and with a holier-than-thou attitude for some reason.
I HATE people who act superior. (Yes, I know this is kind of hypocritical on my part. I'm working on it dammit! :P)
Rijda sucks! :P ^_^
I like elves. That's probably pretty obvious considering Aera is an elf. So that's where I started: Alliance. When Blood Elves came out, there was alot of hate and I specifically didn't make one because it was so trendy and hip and everybody was doing it despite how much negativity they were recieving from the "old horde". But eventually I cracked and rolled one, but my stay with the horde ended rather quickly as I ended up in a dungeon with a man who had no face and cackled with peculiar insanity, partnered with a troll who seriously looked like he wanted to eat me. No joke. So I returned to the Alliance cities and have since avoided getting too close to any trolls if I happen to pass through Booty Bay. *nervously scans her surroundings* I think I'm being followed.
But as for which faction has more stability... I'm 50-50. I have Alliance friends who play Horde sometimes and who get razzed by me everyday for it. So with that understanding, I know good people on both sides. We're not going to get rid of the scruffy lookin' nerfherders regardless of where they turn up. I guess a bit of maturity is taking the good with the bad.
I personally love all aspects of the game: RP - PVE - PVP. I did try an RP-PVP server, but grew quickly tired of trying to level a priest through Redridge while getting corpse-camped by bored max-level people. The community's response, "Aww did you get pvp'd? QQ" So I'll stick with a normal RP server and pvp on my own terms.
I know raiders who RP. I know RPers who raid. I know RPers who PVP and every mix in between; even some people who came here with no intention of RPing at all. Sadly, those are usually the first people to complain about how much the server sucks in terms of raid progression. So you didn't clear the newest hardest raid the first week it came out... big deal... chill out... put on some RP clothes and get friendly with that tall buxom draenei girl you've had your eyes on since you passed her at the mailbox three weeks ago. *laughs*
But as for which faction has more stability... I'm 50-50. I have Alliance friends who play Horde sometimes and who get razzed by me everyday for it. So with that understanding, I know good people on both sides. We're not going to get rid of the scruffy lookin' nerfherders regardless of where they turn up. I guess a bit of maturity is taking the good with the bad.
I personally love all aspects of the game: RP - PVE - PVP. I did try an RP-PVP server, but grew quickly tired of trying to level a priest through Redridge while getting corpse-camped by bored max-level people. The community's response, "Aww did you get pvp'd? QQ" So I'll stick with a normal RP server and pvp on my own terms.
I know raiders who RP. I know RPers who raid. I know RPers who PVP and every mix in between; even some people who came here with no intention of RPing at all. Sadly, those are usually the first people to complain about how much the server sucks in terms of raid progression. So you didn't clear the newest hardest raid the first week it came out... big deal... chill out... put on some RP clothes and get friendly with that tall buxom draenei girl you've had your eyes on since you passed her at the mailbox three weeks ago. *laughs*
I've played both sides, to get the best opinion of this server and their ways.
In my estimation, Horde has a lot more to offer in the case of friendships, close knit community, and folks who are willing to help one another.
Alliance, not so much. They tend to be a bit clannish, even some elitists/asshats who can't help but be how they are... as a result, I am definately more a Hordie.
@ Icejob: Your such an ass <3 to ya.
In my estimation, Horde has a lot more to offer in the case of friendships, close knit community, and folks who are willing to help one another.
Alliance, not so much. They tend to be a bit clannish, even some elitists/asshats who can't help but be how they are... as a result, I am definately more a Hordie.
@ Icejob: Your such an ass <3 to ya.
Horde has my friends, and up until Worgen the best races for PVE. Not to mention I've always been Horde ever since my friend (Nazgra) got me playing it when I was either 14 or 15 (on SOE too, I'm almost 19 now, in a way grew up here). I dunno, the faction seems more enjoyable and nebulous allowing for more input from the player base (granted a lot of it sucks).
My only experience is with Alliance on SoE however I must say; It's a great group of people.
While we aren't going to be hitting any world firsts in raid progression, the enthusiasm is there which makes raiding much more enjoyable.
While we aren't going to be hitting any world firsts in raid progression, the enthusiasm is there which makes raiding much more enjoyable.
I started as Alliance back in Vanilla - leveled a mage to 60 and followed through with him up to TK content in TBC. I was alliance because I had friends who were alliance.
Then I found out I had friends who were horde on this server. I rolled this druid and never looked back. I don't actually like the server at all but stick around because I have several RL friends here.
I faction transferred my warrior to alliance this last week so I can actually do PvP. From my experience alliance still preform more poorly in BGs (unless you bring a pre-made) but getting an instant-queue and losing is better than waiting 30 minutes for a queue you may or may not win. I went from 400 resil to 2500 resil in just a few days.
I've noticed a lot more RP on the alliance side, which I find very lame. I like the Horde because good is dumb. I like the Alliance because I get quick PvP.
Then I found out I had friends who were horde on this server. I rolled this druid and never looked back. I don't actually like the server at all but stick around because I have several RL friends here.
I faction transferred my warrior to alliance this last week so I can actually do PvP. From my experience alliance still preform more poorly in BGs (unless you bring a pre-made) but getting an instant-queue and losing is better than waiting 30 minutes for a queue you may or may not win. I went from 400 resil to 2500 resil in just a few days.
I've noticed a lot more RP on the alliance side, which I find very lame. I like the Horde because good is dumb. I like the Alliance because I get quick PvP.
I have more fun playing horde but the community of horde players imo is rude and immature. This is a general blanket statement that is obviously not true about many horde players. Just I feel the community is nicer and more adult alliance side.
I've always loved Horde, the lore, the races; it was actually difficult on me to go Alliance for the end of s8. I was Alliance for about a month, on another server and it was (sorry guys) horrible. My heart is Horde, odd that I feel almost emotionally attached. D:
Your statement is ignorant. ^
I wasn't going to go there, but for clarification purposes for the schlub above me.
85 Orc Warrior
85 Tauren Druid
80 Orc Shaman
80 Troll Hunter
80 Orc Warlock
80 BE Priest
74 Undead Mage
70 Orc Warrior
70 Tauren Warrior
70 Tauren druid
60 Tauren druid
60 Orc Warrior
For a long time, I didn't believe in transferring servers, so I'd reroll.
I wasn't going to go there, but for clarification purposes for the schlub above me.
85 Orc Warrior
85 Tauren Druid
80 Orc Shaman
80 Troll Hunter
80 Orc Warlock
80 BE Priest
74 Undead Mage
70 Orc Warrior
70 Tauren Warrior
70 Tauren druid
60 Tauren druid
60 Orc Warrior
For a long time, I didn't believe in transferring servers, so I'd reroll.
Edited by Aiona on 2/10/2011 9:16 AM PST
02/10/2011 9:08 AMPosted by Aionafor the schlub above me
Hey... I wasn't insulting you. I was being playful. See that ":D" at the end? Yeah, that's a happy face, cuz I'm happy. No need to call me a schlub. :( I'm telling! *runs home* Mommy, this person called me a Schlub! Waaaaaa.
I like both factions. I divide my time between both factions about equally.DK and Hunter on Alliance, and Warrior and paladin on Horde. However, at one time, I was Alliance only. Reason for this is because all of my toons on this server now, were once on the PVP realm of Akama. I rolled Alliance there with a friend, and because at that time we could not create toons from both factions on a PVP server, that is pretty much what I stuck with. As soon as they opened that up however, my curiosity got to me, and I race changed. Eventually, the Alliance guild I was with on that server, the core of us decided to transfer to this realm. I had transferred my Horde characters here long befoe they had, and so that influenced their decision to transfer to this server(Alliance side).
But as I said, I play both sides. I like both sides. There are things that annoy me about Horde, and things that annoy me about Alliance. But each side is slightly different community wise. I find that Alliance side has allot more RP going on, and that is good and all(it is an RP realm afterall), but those like myself who do not RP a whole lot, are often faced with rejection or ridicule by RP elitists. However. I've met a few nice people on Alliance side, and I am still happy there. Horde side however seems to be much more active, and less RP oriented. You can basically play the way you want, without ridicule and bashing from others... well not as often anyways. But really, I see allot of trolling in tade chat as well, and not the funny kind, sometimes it is downight ridiculous, so I have it turned off most of the time.
But all in all, and overall, for this server, I like Alliance the best. And I say this while posting on a Horde toon. The reason I like Alliance best is for one simple reason: My friends are alliance, and because my guild mates decided to follow my lead to this server, which I appreciate very much.
But as I said, I play both sides. I like both sides. There are things that annoy me about Horde, and things that annoy me about Alliance. But each side is slightly different community wise. I find that Alliance side has allot more RP going on, and that is good and all(it is an RP realm afterall), but those like myself who do not RP a whole lot, are often faced with rejection or ridicule by RP elitists. However. I've met a few nice people on Alliance side, and I am still happy there. Horde side however seems to be much more active, and less RP oriented. You can basically play the way you want, without ridicule and bashing from others... well not as often anyways. But really, I see allot of trolling in tade chat as well, and not the funny kind, sometimes it is downight ridiculous, so I have it turned off most of the time.
But all in all, and overall, for this server, I like Alliance the best. And I say this while posting on a Horde toon. The reason I like Alliance best is for one simple reason: My friends are alliance, and because my guild mates decided to follow my lead to this server, which I appreciate very much.
Horde for the teamwork, I mean, how else does one get a Warbear with only 13 HKs, at level 64, and not a single gripe about my IC remarks the whole trip?
Alliance for the RP opportunities and Gnomes. So many Gnomes.
This whole server for the friendly, helpful people, on both sides.
Alliance for the RP opportunities and Gnomes. So many Gnomes.
This whole server for the friendly, helpful people, on both sides.
I love everyone equally! Except for maybe Goblins! Their wonderfully perfect complexions and no fuss hair styles! Do not even get me started on their engineering abilities! Gawd, I hate them! But all you other peoples are pretty okay!
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