Seeking: Arena Team [A]

85 Human Mage
My last thread got deleted. I... have absolutely no idea why. But, whatever.

  • Fire Mage.

  • I've got full PvP gear, pretty much, save a piece here or there that's better for my spec or outright better. Will get my PvP MH in a few days.

  • Cannot speak on vent, can listen to it.

  • I do run addons like Gladius in order to assist me.

  • I have a 2s team for the points; it's a terrible composition. I'd like a 3v3 team. I probably won't be so hot in 5s.

  • Not really good, but very willing to learn. I devote a lot of time to self-improvement.

  • I always try and keep a positive attitude and have good humor.
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85 Human Paladin
I'm willing to join 3v3 or 5v5, if you're willing to have me!

You know how I PvP. ;D
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