[H] ICC 25man Weekly Run LFM

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Time: Every Wednesday night, a handful of members from my guild and myself run ICC25. We only run from 8:30-10:30pm on Wednesdays, extending the lockout each week if/as needed. This is designed to accommodate members' normal raiding schedules which run on other days.

Seeking: We are currently looking for more attendees to help facilitate the completion of achievements as well as the content on heroic modes. [UPDATE]:There is currently a fairly balanced group of regular attendees, but we're always looking for more. There is definitely more room for healers, and someone who could potentially alternate as an off-tank or dps to fill in where roles are needed on a given night.

If you are someone who never got around to finishing all of the achievements in ICC25, and are interested in doing so, we'd love to have you along. Please have a mature, respectful attitude, and at least a rudimentary understanding of the raid dungeon.

Shadowfrost Shards are spoken for at this time; they are currently at 36/50.

End of the Night Lottery: As an added bonus for attending, 1000g will be placed in a "pot" for each Shadowfrost Shard that drops in a night. At the end of the run each night, all attendees will roll 1-100, with the highest roll winning however much gold has been accrued in the pot.

Contact: If you are interested in attending this run each Wednesday night, please post a reply here, or send me a whisper or in-game mail.

Hope to meet a few new folks out there.
Edited by Nerathil on 2/16/2011 10:39 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Sounds like fun. If you still need ranged DPS look me up. I just transferred to the server so my schedule is open.
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90 Troll Hunter
I'm definitely interested. I'd like to finish the ICC achievements to get my drake, and to just have a good time. I'm familiar with the fights as I'm a Kingslayer (10 man), but I've done much of the place on 25-man.


Not this week, though, as I've got either a nasty cold or the flu and I'm likely to crash earlier tonight, but I'd love to join next week! I should be on the mend by then.

Here's my 25-man achievement count so far, with 10-man visible above it, too:


See you next week! (now that I just caught you in-game).
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Just concluded a run for this week, so we'll be starting fresh next week. Aiming to do some heroic modes if there are enough present, and will definitely pick up some achievements along the way for those who need them.

I just want to thank everyone that attended this week's LK kill, and hope to see many of you again next Wednesday, 8:30pm server.
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90 Troll Hunter
Congrats on the LK kill. I'll see you in ICC afresh next week :)
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