Council of Dragons is Recruiting!

86 Dwarf Shaman
Howdy all!

The Council of Dragons are looking to bolster their ranks with a few classes. We have currently downed Magmaw and the Omnitron Defense System in Black Wing Descent on 25 man and we recently downed Halfus on 25 man, as well. We are also making steady progression on 10 man.

Council of Dragon is currently recruiting for a couple of key positions:

Resto Druid
Holy Paladin
A couple strong Warlocks
Holy/Disc Priest.

The Council of Dragons has an "everyone gets to raid policy." This means that if you want to raid, have the appropriate gear and come prepared; every effort will be made to see that you raid. We also ask that applicants be mature, friendly and polite.

We are a casual raiding guild that believes that your time, is your time. However, if you signup to raid, then we expect you to be prepared by having the appropriate spec, gear and consumables for your class.

Our raid times are currently Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7pm server time ending at 10pm.

If you are interested, please visit our website at We encourage you to read our policies ( before applying.

Edited by Shammyb on 1/27/2011 7:15 AM PST
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85 Draenei Priest
Good folks here. Glad to see that at least one guild is still trying to keep the 25 man raiding going.

Good luck, guys!
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86 Dwarf Shaman
Just letting you guys know we are looking for healers and warlock or two.

Please contact me in-game or drop a message here!

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