[H] 10 Man Raid - I HAZ A DED! recruiting

85 Orc Warrior
HAZ A DED is a new 10 man semi-casual progression raid. If you would be interested in raiding with us. Please read through the following information then follow the link at the bottom for information regarding application to this raid.

Currently looking for:

Holy Paladin
Ranged DPS
All exceptional applications will be considered.

General Information:

• This is a semi-casual progression 10 man raid, expect to spend money on repairs and time on hard encounters.
• We will be aiming to run 10 man heroics and get raid related achievements.
• Players will need to have appropriate levels of gear and performance
• Feel free to have fun in vent but focus us when we are working on a boss.
• For bosses we are having a hard time with, we will evaluate whether or not our shortcoming are gear based or if we just need to spend more time with the boss and will extend the raid lockout accordingly.


• We raid three nights a week: Sun Mon Wed
• We run a shorter raid to accommodate both east and west coast. However, or raid is largely east coast.
• People have jobs and hard cut off times. We will respect those.
• You are only expected to be able to make two nights a week. That doesn't mean if you want to raid three you won't be able to.
• If something comes up and you can't make the raid you are scheduled to attend. Please let me or preferably Elle (Senjul) know ASAP! We need to find someone to take your spot.


• Make sure you know the boss fights ahead of time. If there is a chance we will be doing a specific boss, know the fight. Tankspot.com generally has some of the best information about boss encounters.
• We will do our best to make sure we have flask cauldrons and feasts. However have your own flasks and food in case we are short that night. Cauldrons and feasts are not free.
• You are expected to be fully buffed on all progression content
• Farm content/trash flasks are not required
• Bosses we have killed once or twice ≠ farm content!


• We use DBAD (Don't be a dink)
• Don't pass on stuff you need just to be nice.

If you would like to apply, head on over to


and check out the first couple of posts for details. That's the Grim Maw Clan forums, you won't need to register an account on the forums to apply. In fact, unless you are accepted into the raid or are interested in joining GMC for other reasons I ask that you don't register. HAZ A DED is made up of mostly GMC members but it is not directly affiliated with GMC.

Joining GMC is not a requirement, but would obviously be in your interest. That said, players who would not be a good fit for GMC would also probably not be a good fit for this raid.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in-game or post here.


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85 Undead Priest
Orgo will also try his very best to make sure that you are NOT the shortest person in the raid.
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90 Troll Hunter
I'm interested in joining you! I've been looking for a place to do cata raiding without leaving my guild (see below for why).

Are you still looking for ranged DPS? This is the char I want to raid on, as my next highest is just mid-40s. But I've done standby runs in several Cata raids and done just fine, and I raided ICC regularly in Wrath, two nights a week. I'm also a fast learner and have a pretty good average item level.

I saw in the thread that there was debate about whether Sat or Sun would work; I can do either day and Monday, but since I am in an RP guild (Guild Master, actually), and my weekly event is on Wednesdays, that day isn't good for me.

Since you ask that people not register in the forums unless they want to join GMC, I hope this is an appropriate venue to inquire. I'll also try to catch the two of you in-game.
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100 Undead Warrior
Poni, you can ssstill regissster in our forumsss, yesss. We know you won't leave Homeland, lessst Mother Arjah get angry, yesss. *grins wickedly thinking of angry Arjah's*
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