RE: Icejob

85 Human Mage
This guy's seen my posts where I say I'm willing to learn. Yesterday, he gave me a whisper out of the blue, asking me if I'd like some duels to improve. Well, I do want to learn; but I was feeling pretty cocky. Almost every 1v1 I'd gotten into for the last two days, I won; the ones I didn't, I did well on, and I even managed a 1v3 earlier yesterday. So I figured I'd go into it, maybe lose a little more than I won, but hold my own. I said yes.

Man, getting 100-0'd in the first duel was a hell of a wake-up call. Through it all, Icejob was very patient (especially with my frequent lagspikes), never boastful, and gave me lots of tips and commentary. I walked away getting grossly pwned in most of the matches, and a bit frustrated, but a lot better educated.

So why am I writing this post? Well, I'd like to publicly thank Icejob. It was really nice of him to do that, especially for someone cross-faction. Also, if anyone doubts that he's as good as Trade says he is, well. Hah.

I had my doubts about this server, compared to my last one. And I still miss my old server. But with awesome people like my guildmates and Icejob around, that makes things a lot easier on me. Keep it classy, Sisters of Elune!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I got to say, Icejob is pretty rockin'. I've known that boy for about 2-3 years now. First met him while I played for the Blue team. Was a baby low level, flagged, and he was one of the few who didn't corpse camp my silly self.

When I came to the Horde, and hit 70, we used to rock them Quel Danas Dailies. Man, just thinkin' about that makes me miss BC. Except for that retarded respawn rate. xD

Anyhow, off subject, but I would like to thank him as well. Great guy, funny as hell, and one hell of a scarey mage. <3 to ya, Ice baby.

To Westfire: Welcome to SoE, and may the server treat you well.
Edited by Aubrea on 1/25/2011 9:04 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Welcome to the server. :)

And yeah Icejob is scary as hell in PvP, but all around a really cool guy.
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52 Blood Elf Paladin
Shut up and go eat some more pie ya fatty!

Oh and Icejob rox mah sox <33 He really is quite amazing! :D
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85 Dwarf Shaman
You deserve props for not being a lolice, but really is fire even viable PvP?
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wait what?
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85 Human Mage
01/25/2011 12:54 PMPosted by Ahai
You deserve props for not being a lolice, but really is fire even viable PvP?

From my limited experience, as well as the literature I've been reading, Fire's very viable in battlegrounds*, is an uphill battle in 2s and 3s, and requires massive skill at 5s. It's certainly better than it was in Wrath.

* For the very good players, I know almost any spec is viable in battlegrounds; however, I have a lot of fun with the spec and I do about as well as I did on my Disc Priest.
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85 Gnome Mage
On Icejob: A long time ago, back when SoE was a much different, better place and Nozz was but a wee little mage (as much as a gnome mage can be, anyway), I remember going out to Sentinel Hill to watch him pwn. I very briefly got it into my stupid roleplaying head that I’d help “defend.” That was a complete and utter joke, but Icejob was gracious in humoring me.

I don’t know the guy other than having said hi a few times when he’s popped over Alli side, but he’s always been okay in my book … for whatever that’s worth these days.

Every time I see his name I think of those days back in Sentinel Hill when he’d show up with his bunny :)
Edited by Nozz on 1/25/2011 7:12 PM PST
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85 Human Mage
You have an awful lot of eyes there.

And an awful lot of mouths, too.


You're not... a spider, are you? -shudder-
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85 Gnome Mage
01/25/2011 5:53 PMPosted by Icejob

I edited it! I'm old! XD

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Ice is bad.

In fact, if he was any more bad, he'd have taken a prot-gone-holy pally into a 3v3 who couldn't find his BoP or BoSac buttons for the life of him and still killed !%!%.


I lol'd irl
Edited by Icejob on 1/25/2011 8:10 PM PST
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85 Human Warrior
Dis realm needs more people like Icejob who're more than willing to share the love in terms of "The Art of Shooting Stuff and Making Sure Your Target Stays Dead On The Ground".

This comes from a Warrior who, of course is one of his victims in Tol Barad.

I heard about him alot, and his scariness in Pvp. Then it comes to meeting him in Tol Barad where my arse was royally handed over flipside topside. Seeing this thread however, my opinion on him was raised from "Neutral" to "Good Fella".

Westy here is my 2's partner. Thanks for helping 'er improve, senor. The day will come when I don't die from you 5 seconds after I enter Slagworks only to find Icejob's name floating about.

Edited by Gottfried on 1/25/2011 9:26 PM PST
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<3 u gais
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He never actually killed me btw, just smashed me with a shovel.
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