<Nephilim> [H] - Recruit. for 10M + R. BGs!

100 Blood Elf Warlock
<Nephilim> has been on this server since the days of Burning Crusade. We raided into Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack and cleared everything up to Ulduar 25 man before many officers and vital players of our raid team ended up taking a break from the game.

Many players have currently returned, and we are seeking intelligent and willing raiders for 10 man progression, as well as people interested in Guild Rated Battlegrounds.

Recruiting Raid-Wise:
1 Healer (Prefer Shaman, but will discuss any other class)
Possibly 1 Off Tank (Non-Paladin) - Part Time
1 Demonology Warlock / 1 Mage

Raid Day: Saturday at 11 Server until 2 or 3 Server.
Progression: 2/6 Blackwing Descent, 1/4 Bastion

Recruiting PVP-Wise:
2-3 Healers
Numerous DPS (Need a mix of both melee and caster)

We do have a working vent, and are currently level 10 in the Guild Leveling System.

Our website is currently located at: nephilimguild.wowstead.com

I know that our forums require you to apply, however, please simply contact Lambach or myself in game and we can assist you further, you can also apply if you feel like it.

We are now requiring people interested to join our guild, however, the rated BGs will be a set day every week. Currently the set days are Friday or Saturday nights for the rated BGs, an hour or so after our raid on Saturdays.
Edited by Armaya on 2/15/2011 11:40 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Warlock

We are currently looking into adding in another day for our raiding.
Edited by Armaya on 1/29/2011 2:41 PM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Can't join, as I'm Alliance, but hi, Armaya! It's Saynlyn, if you remember me from the Modas days. ;)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Sanlyn! Hey! I'll have to poke you one day when I'm over ally side, I have a few hidden alts over there. :-P
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Would love to catch up; I'm trying to tweak Aziel's nose to pull Modas into some RP, and eventually probably get my head chopped off since I suck so badly at PvP, but Aziel isn't answering and his minions are handily putting me in my place, as you'll see in my thread "A Note for the Modas". *SIGH* It's such a chore being unknown...

But yes! Come say hi!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
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