Hey guys I'm looking to obtain some *easy to farm* BC mats. I'm willing to pay 25k gold on horde or alliance side and I'm willing to wait a bit.
I need the following mats.
Interested farmers -> please leave a message in this thread or add Discpriest88#1145
Edit: The mats can be farmed on alliance or horde side.
I need the following mats.
Netherweave 720
Primal Fire 74
Primal Water 30
Primal Life 20
Primal Earth 10
Primal Air 10
Primal Mana 36
Primal Nether 2
Arcane Dust 96
Netherweb Spider Silk 10
Interested farmers -> please leave a message in this thread or add Discpriest88#1145
Edit: The mats can be farmed on alliance or horde side.
Edited by Hoodstarmori on 11/7/2015 2:50 PM PST