LF Farmer. Paying 20k gold.

70 Night Elf Priest
Hey I'm once again looking for a player that could obtain certain BC mats for me. I'm paying 20k gold on horde or alliance side.

I'm looking for:

Dreadfang Venom Sac x 1300 (Can be farmed by killing the Dreadfang Widow's near Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.

Mark of Kil'jaeden x 320 Can be farmed by killing the Cabal mobs in Terokkar Forest

Mark of Sargeras x 1160 Can be farmed by doing the low level Shadow Labyrinth instance in Terokkar Forest.

Interested farmers please add my battletag discpriest88#1145 or whisper me ingame.
Edited by Hoodstarmori on 12/21/2015 4:44 PM PST
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70 Night Elf Priest
Back from a WoW break and still looking for a farmer.
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99 Orc Warrior
WTB [Dreadfang Venom Sac] for 20 gold each. They are easily farmed by killing the spiders near Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest BC Zone. No need to pst me just C.O.D any amount of venom sacs to Kriegerjunge or Hoodstarmori if you're Alliance.
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