Resto/Ele Shaman LF a guild.

81 Goblin Shaman
Greetings! I just xfer my Resto Shaman back to Cenarion Circle from being on velen for a while(not a big fan of Velen).

Looking for a guild, I'm a semi-casual raider on my Ally Shaman(Yes i have two, one horde one ally). I'm experienced Resto Shaman, I've been a resto shaman for almost 3 yrs nows. I created my Ally Shaman in BC and created this Shaman in Vanilla(she was originally troll).

I plan on getting this gal to lvl 85 and getting her some gear within the next week, so if any casual guilds need a resto shaman let me know. :) Happy Hunting and Thanks!

PS-I Apologize in advance for my horde shamans gear she isn't in the best northrend gear(still need to glyph her), but I'm skilled at my job since I raid on my other Shaman Fáy a lot, just gotta get this gal lvled up and run randoms and she'll be in good shape again.. Thanks again for your time.
Edited by Rainá on 2/3/2011 6:08 AM PST
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90 Human Paladin
What raid times and days best suit you? How would you describe yourself in a guild environment? What is your concept of an ideal guild situation?
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81 Goblin Shaman
pretty much any night is fine for me for raiding except for Friday Nights, thats when I raid on my alliance shaman

I'd describe myself in a guild environment as helpful and friendly, I try my best to help guildmates if they ever need heals for dungeons or need help on a alt etc. I even go as far as making flask for guild-mates for raids(I'm sort of the flask/gem lady in my guild along with a few others) when I'm on my Alliance toon I always craft free gems for guild-mates whenver they need them.

as of my concept of an ideal guild situation is pretty much a friendly relax guild that raids casually but yet enjoys progression within new content, for me raiding is just something fun to do when im not working on getting new achievements, mounts or pets.

Forgot to add this to my original post, I'm looking for a Horde Guild on Cenarion Circle. I plan on keeping this lil'goblin horde since I already have my ally shaman thats alraedy in a guild heh.

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100 Undead Rogue
Can you be on 7-11 Est? What are you looking for from a raiding group?
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