Is this realm mostly Alliance or Horde.

100 Human Mage
Been wanting to try out a different Rp realm just for fun, but I would like to know if this realm is mainly Horde or Alliance before I decide on a race.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
All I can tell you when I was still on SoE, I mostly just saw folks from Wyrmrest Accord RPing in the RP-Hotspot that is SMC.
I'm not kidding, I barely saw anyone from SoE Horde side and I spend a lot of times hanging out in SMC to find SoE people.
If you want to RP, transfer to Wyrmrest Accord, because to me it seems SoE is as dead as a graveyard.
That's my advice, take it for what it's worth.
Edited by Skjalla on 1/19/2016 5:43 AM PST
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93 Night Elf Druid
01/14/2016 05:26 PMPosted by Zauberkunst
Been wanting to try out a different Rp realm just for fun, but I would like to know if this realm is mainly Horde or Alliance before I decide on a race.

It's mainly dead. At least on MG and WrA there are actually still some RPers hanging around the hotspots.
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