Thinking of moving to this server...

60 Blood Elf Death Knight
Ok so after a long hiatus from WoW I decided to come back and rolled up on The Scryers. Honestly, it is not quite what I was looking for so I started investigating other servers and this is one of the ones that really interests me.

Basically I am looking for a nice community, hopefully of helpful friendly people (I know there will be people who aren't I am talking generally speaking here). I am not a hardcore RPer, but do enjoy it on occasion and in any case I have no issue whatsoever with others doing it. In fact I feel it adds to the overall experience. Folks RPing kind of helps set the atmosphere even if I am a fly on the wall.

I am an alt-a-holic so I would want to join a guild that is tolerant/ok with that. The guild doesn't have to be level 10 or higher, in fact I don't care if it's level 1 (and in some ways thats better since I can contribute to helping it grow instead of riding coattails).

I really just have fun playing different characters, leveling up and having fun people to do that alongside. I am not into hardcore raiding (been there, done that) but would like to do some dungeoning and when my characters are high enough (have a few in the 60s and a 70) doing some of the high end content.

So now that I hopefully haven't bored you to death...what are your thoughts and feelings on Sisters of Elune(especially horde side)?

I read the post saying basically "COme try it out and see for yourself" and I think that is very sound advice. The only reason I am leary is I did that with my last server and it seemed it wasn't until significant time was invested that I realized I just didn't like it.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Hello, and thank you for taking an interest in my server. That's right, SoE is mine. *evil laugh*

But on a serious note, Sisters has its good and bad qualities just like any other server. A handful of people have shared that they chose an RP realm and eventually this one in particular because it had a larger base of mature people. But even though I do agree that I have socialized with some intelligant and open-minded people... there are sooooooo many nut-cases, jerks, and fully insulting people here that I sometimes doubt the ratio of "mature to immature" status.

All you can really do is give it a try. Just... please don't come here and QQ or call us pathetic because we haven't cleared all of the Cata raids while other servers have. Don't call us idiots because we might not pvp as hardcore or as efficiently as other servers. But seriously this is an RP server. I came here to RP. Yes, I do pvp and dungeons and everything, but I'm happy with an even mix of all things at my own leisure.

We do have some great pvpers, some skilled raiders, and some fantastic rpers... and oh yeah, we got a few over there who don't like any of those things and who like to complain alot and call everbody fail. (only fail people say fail) I just toss them a gummi bear and hope they feel better at some point.

One more thing... you can expect to pay 30% markup on anything in the Auction House. I'm not sure why, but that's just what I've heard when people explain the prices on SoE compared to other realms. *shrugs* Doesn't bother me. Get in a guild and establish a close-knit trading system; like your own little village. :D
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85 Draenei Warrior
I came from Scyers too. That place is a quagmire. I've found this server much better in many ways. Horde side does seem to need a bit of improvement but I guess that's just how it goes.
Edited by Moredekai on 2/8/2011 7:25 AM PST
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60 Blood Elf Death Knight
Thank you both so much for the replies!

Aeralynn, if I do make my way over to your server I will be sure to watch my step ;)

I definitely know that on EVERY server there will be good folks and jerks, mature people and juvenile ones and helpful people and jerks. It is the internet and sadly it can bring out the absolute worst in some people.

I have to admit your paragraph on QQing made me laugh because the things you mention are SO the opposite of me. I used to be a hardcore raider pre-BC in one of the top raiding guilds on that server and battled my way as main healer for AQ40 raids. We had BWL, MC, ZG AQ20 and most of the others on farm status. I quit a couple weeks before my guild finally beat the twins! Anyway point is I’d like to experience the end game content but I’m in no rush. And if I keep making alts it won’t happen for awhile anyway. I love the changes to the game and a lot of the starting areas. I am having a blast with that.

Also I am really not a pvp person. Once in awhile ok but by and large it doesn’t interest me. I guess you hit the nail on the head in describing yourself in the same way I would describe myself: happy with an even mix of all things at my own leisure.

And yes people who say “fail, noob” or other things tend to get to me as do people who rather than be helpful just try to be snarky. Hey snarky would be ok at least if they were actually funny: )

The auction house thing sounds odd. Maybe it’s a function of population? I bet it can’t be worse than on the server I’m on now. One day something is a gold then next its 20 with no rhyme or reason behind it.

Thanks a ton for your responses!

Moredekai, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t know what it is but people seem to thrive on being mean on that server for no reason whatsoever. It gets old. Quickly.

Hopefully I will get a couple more replies, but honestly just lurking on the forums I am liking what I see so far!
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85 Orc Shaman
I can definitely understand the feeling that "just try the server and see if you like it" isn't quite enough. Sometimes you can have fun initially, then realize that a certain server or guild or crowd or whatever just isn't your cup of bloodthistle tea.

I'm one of those people who believes your fun on a server is what you make it, but I'll say what I've seen so far. SoE is a smaller population server, so RP tends to be a little more polarized here (woot, points for using a trendy term!). Horde RP is mostly blood-elf centric (not that it's a bad thing); I haven't seen a lot of in depth troll, orc, or tauren RP guilds or storylines. There may be a few floating around out there.

Alliance-side, there are a ton of RP events; I'd say the best way to get a feel for them would be to come to one or two and see how you like them. I think Ellorah mentioned the SoE forums ( which have an in-depth schedule of events.

As far as endgame goes, Cry of Luna's a great place to be. Tends to be a late night crowd, too - though I don't know how your schedule is. There are several other good raiding guilds on the server; Hand of the Sun is one good RP guild that also does a lot of instancing and all-around WoW stuff.

Hope I was of some help!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
We at <Affinity> love having people who not help others, but also helps the guild as a whole by questing, PvP, Heroics and even raiding. If you are looking for a all-rounded guild, Check us out :D
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85 Undead Death Knight
lol, Affinity and Quakthorn. :D

I'm the king of Horde side. :P

Horde RP basically almost all takes place in Silvermoon, half of it is ERP, and the other quarter is crap RP. Events are the way to go on Horde side, because "PuG" RP isn't the best at all.

If you want a cool guild, RevD will take you, we're ok with altoholics.. mainly because I've always been one. :D

Overall, SoE horde side is a good adequte server and everybody saying its not needs to seriously look around more. There's plenty of fun to be had, I've spent a good 3-4 years on SoE alone, and I've had some of the best times I can remember ever playing a game. :)

But don't try and troll me because I will DESTROY you. :D

- Deatharm
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85 Pandaren Priest
Did I hear ERP?
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