LFG to kill hordies

100 Human Priest
hello I am looking for other alliance players to group with ingame for regular incursions into horde territories and cities to kill hordies.
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100 Human Priest
Cmon lets kill us some hordies !!!!
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85 Tauren Priest
Yeah, lets get them!
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85 Orc Shaman
oooo im xferring to this realm in a couple of months i do hope you try.
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In response to killing of wonderful hordies, I have decided to organize the Feed the Hordies foundation. Look at this young troll face! Can you see the pain in his little eyes? He cannot leave his hut because big game hordie hunters want his beautiful tusks for trophies! He cannot go to school, because the hordie hunters burnt it to the ground! He cannot even receive basic medical care, because the village doctor was snared and taken away by hordie hunters, never to be seen again.

Yes, only you can save countless innocent trolls, by simply sending 30 silver a day, the price of a cup of grog. Do it today, an innocent hordie can be saved, BY YOU.
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37 Goblin Rogue
I know I am safe from Horde Hunters. My name is covered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. <Raspberries>
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85 Undead Hunter
A pally tried to get wise with me in Tol Barad today and I changed his outlook on life.
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85 Draenei Death Knight
For the Alliance!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Ohhhhh, Velleri is back. And I agree, we should join together and slaughter and maim every last Horde.... I mean every last Alliance
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