SoE Love is in the Air Special!

85 Human Paladin
Greetings Fellow SoE’ers!

Valentine’s Day/Love is in the Air is here and this is an opportunity for you to open up your heart to people be it known or unknown!

This year, a group of us tried to bring that to reality. Where you have a chance to tell others how you feel about them. We bring you, the “Sisters of Elune Love is in the Air Special!!!”

Basically, you can holler one of us or send us a message about how you feel about the person. We will forward your message to the said “crush” during the Love is in the Air season –and- we will read out your message/letter to them! Our policy however, is that we won’t reveal ANY senders name no matter the situation. This not only makes it interesting, but the recipient will know that someone out there in the corner of the world admires/loves/respect them!

Your messages can either be:
• A friend telling another friend what a good friend they are.
• A person telling someone who doesn’t know them on how they feel about them.
• Sending admiration letters to a certain person in the community appreciating how they’ve worked hard to keep a certain aspect of the community alive.
• Of course, there’s the classic “crush” letter or telling the recipient how much you admired them.

It can also be:
• A person telling another person from the opposing faction about what a brilliant Pvp’er they are and will seek for the day to take them down.
• Sending an admiration letter to a guild to tell them what a wonderful guild they are. (We’ll forward this to the GL’s).
• Sending an admiration letter to a person of the opposing faction telling them how you feel about them. (Make Love, not Warcraft).
• An apology letter to someone in case you make a mistake and wish to forgive and forget. (This is the only instance in where your name will be revealed by your concern).

We will not accept:
• Hate mails.
• Letters containing trolling/cyber-bullying.
• Letters containing excessive sexual description. (This is Cupid Mail, not Plethora Erotica).

Keep it in mind:
• First come first serve, we send messages according to who gave us a holler first.
• Don’t fret if you don’t get any. Think about this: What have you done to deserve one?
• We’re couriers, not Stalkers Inc. No, we will not stalk the recipient for you.
• We do not accept bulk messages. This means you can’t send your “Well-Used and Warm Kilt” to the recipient.

All letters/messages send are free! It can be as short as ten words or as long as your Final Year essay, but keep it in mind it –might- not reach the person on the first day of Love is in the Air. Unless you come to us quickly or specify to us why you need it send quickly.

This is our first time doing this, we –might- make mistakes. So if we screw up, we apologize in advance but we will try our best not disappoint you and send your messages in time.

We obey Blizzards terms and policies in privacy and identity protection. Please do not reveal your REAL IDENTITY to us or demand the same from a recipient.

Why do we do this? There’s a time of that year where one might want to open up his/her heart more to another person. Friend, Foe, Brothers, whoever they are we’re here to make your lives easier!

We’ll do this ONLY within Sisters of Elune. We don’t send stuff outside servers. Cross faction is of course all good! All our couriers have toons on both factions!

What’re you waiting for? Get to writing and share the love!

Please contact Byrond for Alliance, or Malithas for Horde.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
This is really cute. I actually just received a courier message from my admirer. I have zero idea who you are, but I appreciate the complement it and it was overall a very sweet gesture.

Made my night. <3
Edited by Aiona on 2/9/2011 8:39 PM PST
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