
85 Gnome Priest
I just wanted to say hello to this server. I recently returned to the game after a friend invited me to this server.

I look forward to getting to know this server.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Hello! I hope you enjoy your stay.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Welcome to Cenarion Circle, Kogg! I hope you enjoy your time while you're here!
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85 Gnome Priest
Thank you very much for the replies. I've not interacted with a large number of people, but it seems pleasant here.

It's been fascinating to see all the changes to the game since I last played.

The cross-server dungeon queue is pretty nifty, and I was very thankful that I was allowed to play while the client software was downloading in the background.
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90 Worgen Mage
Cenarion Circle is a wonderful community. Hope you enjoy your time with us.

Blizz has actually made some great changes during the last year or so. Being able to queue for a dungeon while leveling is great. With Cataclysm a lot of the lower level areas were changed too. It's taken some getting used to, but I'm happy so far.
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85 Gnome Priest
Cenarion Circle is a wonderful community. Hope you enjoy your time with us.

Blizz has actually made some great changes during the last year or so. Being able to queue for a dungeon while leveling is great. With Cataclysm a lot of the lower level areas were changed too. It's taken some getting used to, but I'm happy so far.

I've really appreciated that the quests and zones have been revamped, too. It feels much less tedious when there are so many new things to see.

Thank you for the welcoming and well-wishing!
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